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This is super short. I'll update again very very soon.


9:57 AM
Bow: Shit shit shit running late
Rosin: OK
Bow: um quick question- why the hell didn't you wake me up?
Rosin: I had to sneak out at 5 AM before anyone noticed me. Why the hell do you and everyone else I know all sleep on the same floor?
Bow: Couldn't you have set my alarm or something?
Rosin: I thought you set it already.
Bow: At what point exactly in the last twelve hours do you think I could have set my alarm?
Rosin:...Before the sex?
Bow: Sure. Remind me to do that next time we're drunk at 2 AM.
Rosin: Shut up.
Bow: Next time it's your place.
Rosin: "My place" consists of a hotel room.
Bow: A very nice hotel room. And they'll even clean the sheets for us!
Rosin: sure
Rosin: Rehearsal's starting now.
Bow: FUCK EVERYTHING ok can you wait to start my pieces? Also I'm wearing pajama pants bc I know you don't care.
Rosin: I'll save them for last
Bow: Thank you Krzysztof <3
Rosin: Just returning yesterday's favours. ;)

@nora i regret nothing

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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