How it Started

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     Dabi laid awake for hours. He was thinking about anything and everything, mostly he thought about what was going to happen tomorrow. You see Dabi is starting UA tomorrow, he wasn't nervous or anxious about starting Highschool. No, he was worried about what was going to happen to his mother and siblings. He knew that no one was safe, but he also knew that they were in more danger with him not being there. He can protect them, he take his father's beatings. It's not that they are weak, it's that he take the beatings, the verbal abuse, the late night 'trainings', the constant quirk overuse. He could handle it more than anyone else. Even if it means he has to get more skin grafts.

     Another thing that kept him awake was the fact that he is in the same class as Muscular (he likes to call himself that, also no one knows his name). That wouldn't be a big deal if Dabi wasn't constantly bullied by him. And it wasn't just verbal it was physical, Dabi once had a broken rib because he was punched in the chest by him. Sure Muscular bullied other kids, but Dabi got it the worse. Between his short height and skin grafts, it wasn't that hard to get bullied. It wasn't just Muscular, it was the whole school. Staff, teachers, and other students too, were against him as well. But Dabi was also against himself.

    You see, Dabi has depression and he's had it since he was 6. When he was 12 he tried to kill himself, that's when he was finally put on Antidepressants. And of course, everyone found out about at school. When he was 13 there were rumors going around that he sleeps with older men for money. He once was tied up and locked in a closet for six hours straight. People would come into the closet to kick him around, as well as other things.

     Dabi's phone went off, which startled him out of his thoughts. He looked at it and saw that someone had sent him a video. He clicked on it and started to watch it. Tears threatened to spill out of eyes. It was a video of what happened to him in then closet. He threw down his phone and cried into his pillow. He didn't want to be reminded about what happened to him. He just wanted to forget about what happened. That's all Dabi wanted, he justs wants to forget. He was forced to go to the police by Flit.

     Once again Dabi's phone went off and startled him out of his thoughts. Flit messaged him.

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     Dabi laughed at the shit Flit said

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     Dabi laughed at the shit Flit said. The two of them are really close. So close that people actually believe that the two are dating. Flit also pretended to be Dabi's girlfriend for a a little while in middle school. And no one suspected anything until someone saw Flit on a date with a girl with Dabi third wheeling. The next day there where pictures and videos everywhere.  And their fake relationship was exposed. And of course Endeavor was pissed. He forbid Dabi from seeing Flit. But of course Flit found ways to see Dabi. It was even easier than normal since she got into cosplay, and voice acting.

     Flit and Dabi talked for a what must have been hours, because next thing he knew. He was getting dressed and ready for school. He covered the faint bruises on his arm, check his piercings, and went downstairs. 'He's out on patrol, that's good.' Dabi thought. 'They're gonna be safe.' Just as Dabi was gonna leave, he felt a light tug on his uniform jacket. He turned around and saw Shōto. "W-where are y-you g-going?" Shoto asked. Dabi bent down to his little brother's height. "I'm going to school okay. Fuyumi is going to take you and Natsuo to school." Dabi explained. Shōto nodded. Just as Dabi was going to leave. Shōto ran up to him. "Wait t-take this." Shōto gave him a picture. Dabi smiled and thanked his little brother. He left and went on his way to school. Dabi unfolded the paper Shoto gave him. It was a picture of a flower. Dabi told Shōto that his favourite flower was a mauve rose. And that's what Shōto drew.

     Dabi smiled and thanked Shōto, then he turned around went out the door. He started to walk to school, until he saw someone leaning against a motorcycle. The cyclist in question was wearing a school jacket that was dyed black, a bralette under a mesh top with blood red roses, a black choker, a black waist high skirt with fishnets and chains. Dabi had to stare at the cyclist for a minute until he realised it was Flit. "Hey dumbass you done staring?" She asked. "You know you're not suppose to be here right?" Dabi asked her. "Also why are not wearing the uniform?" He asked. "One; I don't give a damn. Two; I'm at least wearing the jacket."  Flit answered him. There is no point in arguing with her. "Well hop on mother-fucker." Flit told Dabi. Dabi complied, and got on Flit's bike. And just like that they headed off to school. In the back of their minds, they both hoped that this school year was going to be better.

Sorry that this is short. Just wanted to publish this. Also I will not use that fake texting app again. Just no.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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