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*Last chapter ~ sorry I have a ton of other stories to work on and I need to complete this one - book two should be out soon. I'm writing another story with ItalianUke called "In Love With A Ninja", so check that out and follow her 'cause she wrote the first chapter. Thanks ^.^*

I sighed, plopping onto the couch in overwhelming boredom. Raphael and his brothers left about an hour ago for patrol an they're still not back! I've run out of things to do and people to bug - Sadie and April only provide so much entertainment.

Suddenly, an arm slid around my waist. I jumped back, eyes wide.

Casey sat next to me on the couch, smirking at me.

"Casey!" I fumed. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Making sure you know who loves you more." Casey scooted closer to me and grabbed my wrists. I gasped as he tried pushing me back, struggling against his grip. He puckered his lips and I wanted to gag.

"Get off -"

My warning was cut short when his weight abruptly flew away, and then Casey was on the ground, getting hit in the face over and Raph.

"If. You. Ever. Touch. Her. Again. You're. Dead!" Raph growled, still throwing punches. Giggling, I stood up and gently pulled Raph to his feet.

Instead of struggling against me, Raph turned and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"You're mine," he murmured. "And no one is going to take you away from me."

I smiled into his plastron. "Don't worry," I whispered. "I know."

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