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The name and location of the city aren't important, however the things that happen within are. Some time, in the distant future, some things amongst political officials are uttered back and forth until someone snaps and fired a warning shot. The outskirts of City X have gone to mostly rubble. Closer towards the city, buildings stand and structures still sit erect, however the damage trickles its way inward. The water is not capable of sustaining life, and most of the farms have been reduced to atoms. In the heart of the city resides a safe zone, an area where electricity still exists and where people can receive supplies from the government. However, along the outskirts, savages, intoxicated by the radiation and singed by the acid rain pillage anyone with anything. They will steal. They will kill. They are not afraid to go to the extreme to survive. All except for the innovative Kiri.

Kiri is a scientist. She devotes her time to figuring out efficient ways to innovate and sterilize water. She is about twenty three years old, stands roughly five feet and nine inches, sports black hair that she ties up behind her head, has green eyes, and a face devoid of imperfections. She wears a bead necklace and several bead bracelets along her wrists, as well as a digital watch around her right wrist. She also has a cat she calls Kana. Kana is a fairly standard black cat with yellow eyes. She typically follows Kiri wherever she goes. Under normal circumstances, they would seem very out of the ordinary, but given the time and the current problems just outside of their apartment complex, they may be the most normal, yet, unique residing in the outskirts of the city.

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