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'How in the name of The Queen could that happen?' I thought to myself as I sat down on the bench off to the side of the running track. My dark brown hair rustled in the wind as my gray eyes watched the others continue to run their ten laps.

'I mean that never happens to me, never!' I exclaimed inside my head while a frown formed on my lips. My eyes never left the runners as I sat there. Finally, the last runner made their final lap and everyone made their way over to the sidelines for refreshments and rest.

"How do you always manage to beat everyone else here Daniel?" A female's voice asked off to my right. I turned around to see my best friend's sister watching me. She had a smile on her face as she sat down next to me. I watched her carefully before giving a shrug in response.

"Don't really know Helene, I just always do," I muttered to her. Helene just gave me another smile and a pat on the back before getting up and walking away.

"Well, let me know when you figure out why you always get the best times," she said as she turned her head back around to face me. "See ya Daniel!" And with that she left.

With a soft sigh, I turned to get up myself so I could get back inside for the next inspection. I picked up my gym bag and headed towards the locker room so I could change.

Many of the other kids were watching me with jealousy as I walked by them. I spotted one of my friends entering the locker room and with a smile, I jogged in after him.

"Hey Nathan!" I called out to him when we entered the room. He turned around to face me also with a smile on his face. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head at me.

"Hey Daniel! What's up?!" He exclaimed while coming over to give me a high five. I give a shrug again before over to my locker and starting taking my gym shirt off so I could change back into my school uniform.

"Nothing much, just doing P. E," I said to him as I pulled my plain white polo shirt over my head. "Helene came over to talk to me too," I added while buttoning up my uniform jacket. Nathan gave me a nudge with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah? And did you beat everyone else's time in the run?" He asked me. I gave another shrug in return while finishing up getting my shoelaces tied

"Ya know dude, you should really try out for track," he said to me before shutting his locker and walking away. "Just something to think about kay?!" He called back at me. With a small smile on my lips, I shook my head, closed my locker, and then walked out of the changing rooms and down towards the inspection hall.

As I made my way down the halls, I thought back to my mess up earlier. I kept replying what I did over and over again. Trying to figure out what had happened to me that could've made me do that.

'I still don't understand how that happened to me?' I thought while I walked. Finally I reached the hall and went to go stand with my home room class. We were all silent as we waited for the inspector to come and pass us by. It was a slow process that took up at least an hour and a half. But, we all waited as patiently as we could.

After what seemed like forever, I saw the inspector come into view. She was a tall woman with long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Her gray eyes pierced into the similar colored eyes of the students that she was inspecting.

She slowly made her way down the line towards me. She stopped at the girl next to me, Helene's best friend Isabelle. With a frown, the inspector pulled Isabelle over to the side and shoved towards the guards that were standing behind her.

"I saw that piece of paper in your hands, you will be inspected further shortly," the woman spat out at Isabelle before turning to finish going through the line of students. She passed by me as quickly as she could and moved on to the next person. Occasionally, she stopped and pulled people out of line before shoving them towards the guards.

Finally, she was done and the rest of the students who were still in line waited silently for us to be cleared to head to our next class.

"All remaining students are cleared," a man's voice said over the speaker system. At those words we all got whatever stuff we had with us and rushed out of the hall to get to our classes before the bell rang.

So, I made my way through the hallways once more. The other students barely paid me any attention now as we just tried to get to our destinations in time. I heard a whimper come from around the corner at the end of a hallway and decided to investigate.

Turning the corner I saw the school's resident bully, Cade Fallon pushing a younger kid against the wall. The kid was whimpering as Cade went to punch him in the nose. I shot up behind Cade and grabbed his arms. I pinned the boy to the ground just in time for the younger kid to slip away unharmed.

"Get off this instant Fletcher!" I heard Cade scream as he pushed and fought against me. I kept him pinned for as long as I could before I heard heavy footsteps come rushing towards us.

'Oh crap, guards,' I thought to myself as I felt arms yank me away from Cade. When he was freed from my grasp, Cade launched himself at me, but another guard grabbed him too.

"Oh you'll pay Fletcher! You'll pay for this!" He screeched while being dragged away from me. The guard who was gripping my arms dragged me away to. We made our way towards the other set of stairs that lead into the punishment cells. He pushed me into an empty cell and then locked the door before turning an walking away.

Even though I was on the other end of the basement, I swear I could still hear Cade shouting and cursing as he was dragged down into his own cell. With a sigh I turned and sat down on the bed before placing my head into my laps.

'And to think earlier I was worrying about tripping while running track and field in P. E,' I thought to myself as I sat there. Suddenly I realized I had much more important things to worry about. I felt so stupid now considering what my fear was earlier.

'You've got to get your priorities straight Daniel,' I said to myself before I lifted my head up out of my lap. My eyes widened and mouth dropped as I realized something very important

'Oh boy, what am I going to tell mom?'

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