The Prayers of the Righteous

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"Lord spare us "

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"Lord spare us "

"Our father who art in heaven "

Not much could be heard over the prayers and cries as during the rocky ride .

The flight attendant who served Journey the gin and juice was now taking shots to ease her nerves .

Journey was still holding Truth tightly . She was his security blanket . He held Truth tightly as he had flashbacks of all the BS he'd put her through of the years . Lost babies , infidelity , lies  . Truth has forgiven & stayed loyal through it all . A tear ran down Journey's face .

" God I haven't been a praying man and I'm sure you're not the biggest fan of me but if you  if you give me a chance to make this right with her I swear I'll do write . Let me live to just give her a few years of bliss , she's deserving of that " Journey prayed .

Truth was silent but she hadn't stopped praying . She wanted to live long enough to be a better mom to her mom .  She prayed over her unborn child who deserved a chance .

The 5 minute descent and the 2 min landing had been the longest and scariest 2 min of all of 200 passengers Triangle Flight 4567 .

" its truly a miracle , we've landed " the shaky captain announced .

"Clap, clap , clap ". Some people on the flight cheered . Others still openly wept . A few were still passed out from shock .

The plane had swiftly landed in east bumble after the a firework someone snuck in their luggage had spontaneous combustion and caused  a sensor on the plane to malfunction and go into emergency landing .

Thinking that his prayer had power , Journey said another quick one to get between this unknown location and cuba uncuffed . He had deeply exhaled when the flight took off thinking they had safely escaped the chaos he'd caused . He had no clue where he was at , if they were still on US territory and what type of security or process they would have to make through before boarding another flight .

The passengers began to open the windows on the flight . They'd all closed them during the landing . Not a sole on the flight wanted to see the impact that may have caused their demise.

The Near death experience had put rose colored glasses on the passengers .  The sky looked like heaven , the sun resembled gold , the clear blue water now represented the fountain of youth . The sun shone  even shown differently in East bumble and the trees represented money trees .

East bumble was a private island somewhere between the US and cuba.  It was unclear if the private island was us territory or not . The spot that the plane landed in was in broad open land . The nearest sign of civilization was an hour away .

"Bae -  you straight . Why you ain't said nothing . You still shaken up . Journey questioned kissing truths forehead . "

Truth staired off in space in silence .

You hurt , can you at least say you good ? Journey  whispered into truths ear as they walked off  the plane .

" I'm good " truth finally responded dryly as they sat on their luggage & waited for the shuttle to take them to the resort . Journey figured Truth was still shaken up from the flight right . He massaged a silent tense Truth as they waited for their ride to the resort .

Truth did not emerge from the plan with rose colored glasses as like other passengers . The  rough landing was a reality check for her . She had the same flashbacks as Journey on the plane and she wasn't to hot about the drama she'd allowed herself to endure . Reflecting she realized tear she she'd over the years was a minuets off her life. She had not another min to share . She was done with the BS .

Truth smoothed her hands of her blonde buzz cut . As she stroked her fade she laughed to her . "Leave it to me think decide what I am and am not excepting in the middle of nowhere , when I literally have nobody " , Truth thought as her and Journeys shuttle pulled up to the resort .

"There's my bae " Journey beamed . "I knew you'd be back smiling . Your smile gives me life " thinking things were gravy between him & truth .

"You wanna swim in your panties tonight . We may as well make the most of this resort while we are here. " Journey tried to Convocr

The island was so small that people could only be flown out by small  back to mainland & from mainland to Cuba.

Nobody was in a rush to get back to the a plane.

Yeah but can we stay a few nights . I need sometime before I hop on the plane again .

"We on the run . One or two nights is good but we can't get to comfortable "

Journey reasoned

"Will we ever be able to just chill or am I sworn to loving my life in the shadows the rest of my life " sighed as she opened the door to the resort .

Alright 4 days and we outta here , Journey told Truth as they walked into their room on the resort

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