I got tagged!

37 4 53

Tagged by @kpelkey06

1. Phobias?
Well, I'm absolutely terrified of spiders, so arachnophobia.

2. Middle name?
Madelyn. I know, the most boring middle name ever.

3. Am I emotional?
Sadly, yes.

4. Any irl buddies on wattpad?
Bold of you to assume I have friends outside of wattpad.

5. Do I care about what people say about me?
No, not really. As I said, I dont have any friends in school and I dont defend myself (what's the point?) I usually just ignore the rumors.

6. Favorite part of my face?
My eyes, I have hazel eyes.

7. Favorite color?
Light gray, I just think it's a beautiful color.

8. Places I wanna go when I'm older?
England, and yes I'm a potterhead.

9. Bike or car?
Bike preferably.

10. Five things I can't live without?
(These are in no particular order)
1. Wattpad (including the people on it.)
2. Music, gets me through my ups and downs.
3. Books, do I even need to explain?
4.The mandalorian.
5. My phone.

11. Nicknames?

12. A state you've been in one to many times

Heh.... I go through small depressive episodes. Dont worry, I'm alright.

*cue awkward ending*

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