Sides of the Unknown

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  Life is a mysterious plot as it is. In this plot we all are the characters with our own purposes. A purpose which we pick up along the passage of time. Beautiful indeed! On this journey that we have no idea when it will end, we come across a million of characters. Some of whom might even be part of our own plots. But this mystery of not knowing what will happen when is the thrill about the whole existence of us.

One thing that we all might agree to is the fact that the several unknowing surprises that might be in store for us.
The twists and turns is what makes one's life worth living. The very judgment that we have on certain things turn out to be wrong from the start. People whom we might have believed to be our enemies turn out to be our best supporters. While the one's on whom we might have vetted our life upon turn out to be the deceiving kind. For this I don't blame them cause this what is life all about!!

I, personally, have experienced this scenario several times. But the irony is that I'm still not learning my lesson. Pathetic, I know. But come on people I'm trying!! Anyways what I just wanna share is that never be in a mindset that everything is consistent. Sorry to break the bubble but it is not. You will meet people and experience stuffs which makes you realize the harsh reality of the place that we live in.

But this being said, I do respect those people who had overcome all these odds and succeed in what they do. That determination is something which I personally look up to.

So my dear fellow human species  just know that there are several unknowing sides to anything and everything. Just learn to to unravel these mysterious and lead on a beautiful life which I know for sure will not be a bed of roses. Alas, this my dear folks is the reality. So WAKE UP when you can!!!!

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