Chapter 12

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I was sitting in the window seat of the plane waiting for Jordan to get settled in his seat "Are you done." I asked "No my butt can't get comfortable." he said "Well can you make it you annoying me." I said cold "What's up with you you're all cranky." He said sighing "Im just not in the mood right now." I said looking out the window "Is it Will?" He asked. My heart shattered. "No I'm just not feeling well." I said putting my head on his shoulder "Its okay to miss him Ya know." He said "Yeah I know." I sigh. Jordan doesn't know what the last words Will said to me. I can still here him say them in the back of my mind. "Jordan are we almost there." i asked "Yeah we should be." he said.



*after the plane ride*
I was standing waiting for Jordan to get his luggage. Then I heard his name being called out. I turned around and I saw two of three Canadians. They didn't know who I was because i never wanted Jordan to talk about me to his online friends. "Hey Jordan." I heard the first Canadian which I think was Ryan. I've seen him in Jordan's vlog things. The other one not so much I think his name was Brayden. Yeah that's his name. "Hey man long time no see." The shaggy hair boy said. "Hey Kate come meet my friends." He signaled me over. I shook my head "Oh come on Kate." Jordan grabbed my hand "Kate this is Ryan and Brayden. Guys this is my friend Kate." he said introducing us to each other "It's nice to meet both of you but I don't mean to be rude but I want to go to my hotel and get settled in." I said letting go of Jordan's hand "I'll see you tomorrow Jordan." I grabbed my suitcase and went to get a taxi. "Call me when you get to the hotel okay." he said "Okay I will." I said going out of the airport.

Jordan's POV
Ryan and I were sitting on the couch at the house and he looked at me "Some friend ya have there Jordan." He said "Yeah we've been friends since we were freshman in high school." I said looking at my phone to see if she text that she made it home to the hotel safe. "So is she a good friend or a good friend." he asked "No don't start she is one of my good friends. We've never dated." I said "Well she's a cute one." he said "Yeah so what. No no no no you are not taking her out on a date Nope not happening." I said "I was just saying she was cute." he said "Who's cute? Kate yeah I know she's very attractive person." Kevin said "I mean on a scale of one to ten she's a well why judge she's beautiful." Ryan said "Can you you stop talking about how my best friend is attractive in front of me." I said annoyed "Why bayanidood?" Kevin said "Because she is my friend and I rather you not talk about her." I said getting up and walking out the door.

I dialed Kate "Hello.." she said in a sad tone "Are you alright bug?" I asked "I don't know.. I'm just confused.. I need time to think about things out. Jordan I know deep down in my heart that I have some feelings for you.. I mean I've known you since freshman year. You know me like the back of your hand. You care for me and I feel bad because I've put you through so much. You deserve so much better than me." She started crying "No your wrong. Kate You're hurt. I yeah you smile but in that smile I know that you hurt because of Will but it's been three months it's time to move on slowly. Kate I can be that person for you and I will always love you." I said "Kate I'm going to bring you over to the house and I just want you to have a good time." I said "Jordan... I don't want you to ruin your time with your friends." she said "I know you don't want to come here but I'm tired of you being alone." I said "I'll be over there here in a bit and we will have a great time tonight." I said "Okay." she said.

Kate's POV
I was looking at Wills number. I took a deep breath and clicked it. It started ringing "Kate." I heard his voice "Hey Will." I said keeping it together "Kate I want you to do something for me." he said "Okay." I heard him sniffling "I want you to move on." he said and I felt my heart shatter "What?" my voice crack "You heard me move on. Because Kate I did. It took me time but it's for the best for me and you. We are just causing each other hut and pain I just don't think that there can be a second chance for us." He said "Okay fine. I will. But Will... I hope you happy with her.." I hung up and broke into tears.

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