Chapter 1

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My Name is Just

Tammie Uzimaki

Hi, My name is Tammie. I made a big mistake awhile ago. Do you wanna know what I did? Well... let me start from the beginning. So.....

"Mom! Where are My Puppy Socks!" I yelled I didn't get a response. "Mom?!" I said again. I walked down the stairs. I saw my mom talking to some skinny tall man. All I heard was "Just Pay the money before Pay-Day". I was sure he was talking about the bills or he'd kick us out. My mom shut the door as the skinny man walked away. I saw him twirl his thin orange mustache. Then My mom glanced at me, "Hi, Sweetie...." My mom said. "Oh Hey, Mom!" I said trying to act like I didn't know what the conversation was about, "What was that all about?" I said. I mean I wasn't lying. I didn't hear everything I just heard the last bit. "Oh, nothing just more dang ole bills," She said. "Mom, are we gonna get kicked out?" I said nervously, "I don't know pumpkin, let's just hope we don't," She said. Then I walked back up the stairs to get ready for school as I was looking for my puppy socks. Then once I was done dressing I gave up on my puppy socks and just wore plain turtle socks that were chewed up by my pet chipmunk. When I put my shoes on There was a hole where my big toe went. I called my pet chipmunk Dammy "Dammy!!!!!" I yelled out. Out of nowhere a small chipmunk who is dark hazel and has dark brown and white stripes appears. "Dammy, did you chew my shoe hole up?" I say, Dammy turns his head slightly down then he puts it back up. That's how Dammy nods. "Oh Dammy, don't be like that!" I pet his soft thin fur, pick him up and stuff him in a box with holes and go on my way to school.

When I arrive at school, the 2nd grade teacher awaits me at the entrance to our classroom. I smile at her and walk inside. Then I see one of my best friends, "Kaylee!" I say, I run up to her and give her a nice tight hug, she hugs me back and we do our bestie hand shake. "Twinkle toes, touch my nose, hug me tight, Take a BITE! RAwwr!" we chant. "Class settle down, remember today is show and tell today!" Ms. Waterberry says. Kaylee and I giggle and go to our spots on the carpet. "Who would like to go first?" Ms. Waterberry says. A show of hands sprout up while mine and Kaylee's are down. We giggle and smile at each other then we wait patiently for my turn. "Ok, Tammie it's your turn to show and tell us about your item/thing." Ms. Waterberry says. I rise up and walk to the front of the carpet, Kylee starts crawling through the rows of people, when she reaches the front row she stands in front of me and stretches her arms to the side. Then Ms. Waterberry starts playing the song 'Call me Maybe (no words)' Then we start chanting "Hey! We met you, we're not crazy!" we yell, then I say "I have a pet chipmunk, and call him Dammy!" I say. "Hey, I have a pet chipmunk, her name is Daisy, she's a cutie. So call her Daisy!" Kaylee says. I open the box that Dammy was in and the same time Kaylee opens Daisy's box, Dammy climbs up onto my shoulder as Daisy walks up to our classmates and let's them pet her. Then the music stops and they both crawl back into their boxes. Then a loud applause attends our ears and everyone claps. I see some people giggling at us but I just Ignore them and give everyone a big huge smile. Kaylee and I end up switching spots on the Carpet so we can sit next to each other. Then we had 'Rrrrregular' rolling. Ms. Waterberry said we should roll the 'R' to be fancy. Rrrrregular rolling is when we get to go out to recess for any time of the day. It's fun, but only happens on show and tell days. Kaylee and I giggle then we run outside to the playground. I see a group of girls around the monkey bars and run over to them with Kaylee behind me. When I reach them,I see they are all tall, so ginormous. I try to run around them so I can go on the monkey bars with Kaylee but they won't move, and they are all really scary. I manage to get through but Kaylee is stuck in the crowd. I try to help her but it's not useful, she says "It's okay we can do the stunt tomorrow, you go I'll catch up later." I walk away and start playing by myself on the monkey bars. I try to glance at the crowd to spot Kaylee but Kaylee isn't visible to me. I sigh then walk inside.

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