<>Chapter 1<>

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I plopped down at my uncomfortable desk, the cold seat startling me into making a small yelp and jumping up. Of course the janitor forgot to close the windows last night, and of course that was the day it started snowing. I slowly sat down again, feeling the coldness of the metal and dinky plastic beneath me. I saw my friend Kiri walk in the empty classroom. She locked eyes with me and smiled. I waved to her, and she ran over.

"So, what's new?" She asked while sitting at the desk in front of me.

"Nothing much," I responded, "You?"

"Aw, c'mon Nakano. You gotta have done something fun over the summer!" Kiri said while playfully punching my arm. I stuck my tongue out at her. 

 "Well, I did go to the beach with my mum, but it ended up being a bust. We could only stay for one night, instead of three because there was a murderer on the loose-" I was cut off by Kiri sticking her head in my face.

"AND YOU CALL THAT NOTHING?!" Kiri yelled. She groaned, then banged her head into my table.

By then, around four other students had arrived and were staring at Kiri. I smiled and flicked her forehead.

"Let me finish, silly," I said, "Yesterday, the killer was caught. Mum got an Email. His name was Kirako Takahashi."

"How did you remember that?" Kiri asked, lifting her head.

"Because he was all over the news. Apparently, he was tracking down something underground. Also," I leaned in close to my friend and started whispering, "He might be a mage."

Kiri burst out laughing, getting even more stares from the classmates filing in.

"You've got to be kidding me," She said, pausing just long enough to catch her breath, "Magic isn't real. Those are just stories from the mangas we read when we were children."

"Yeah, I thought that too," I said sighing. "But it would be so cool if it was real." Just then, a boy came up to us. I quickly looked up and stopped whispering. He had ash blonde hair and seemed a bit big for his age. His pretty brick colored eyes didn't match his smug smile at all. I looked at him, then rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Fudo?"

"Well, you guys were talking really loud, so I came over. Also, Kiri? Do you want to go to the park with me later this week?" He asked, "We could... you know... go get ice cream or something."

A shocked expression came across Kiri's face. Some people -meaning me- would say she chibi'd out. She opened her mouth to respond, but Mrs. Heikin suddenly walked in, and we all snapped their attention to the front of the room.

"Alright class 3B, settle down," She said in a loud voice to the class, "Today, we have a new student. Please make him feel welcome and treat him with respect," She turned, glaring at the only kid that would be unkind to people. "Fudo." Her eyes narrowed, and the class chuckled a little. "C'mon in." Mrs. Heikin said, motioning to the door.

A boy walked in shyly. He had black -almost purple- hair and purple eyes. He seemed tall for his age, and wore a white sweatshirt that went down to his knees. I instantly knew that Fudo would beat this kid to the bone. He walked to the front of the class, and with a scratchy voice, he introduced himself.

"H-hello. My name is Akuma Himitsu"

<>589 words excluding the authors note. Yay! first chapter out! I you don't know, Heikin is mean in Japanese. So her name is Mrs. Mean XDD. Fudo also means Fire. I think this book will be really fun!

Thanks for reading!<>

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