Blast From The Past - Make Him Pay

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Notes from writer
Sorry about not posting for a long time life has been shit...... Also not sure if you guys even care lol
I did a few updates on the other one (fixing grammar, etc) also trying to not use the word bloodlust quite as much (a suggestion from a friend) but not sure what to use as a substitute since half of her character is her bloodlust side that she is struggling with. If you have any suggestions let me know, also wouldn't mind hearing opinions on the story so far!
After everything that happened as a child, Luna had tried her best to get away from Burleigh and get her bloodlust under control. But now he was sitting here in her room with Black Shackles on him, she was losing what little control she had. The pain, grief, despair, rage, and every other emotion that had come with being this persons slave came crashing back as she walked towards him with the knife.

"Why did you come here? Why did you try to attack me? Wasn't that scar I left for you last time enough of a reminder I'm not to be trifled with?"

"I don't have to answer to you brat! You should be begging me to not punish you!" He had a smirk on his face as he had started talking which was now becoming a panic and fear filled expression. He had tried to break the chains, and if they were normal ones he could have done so, easily. When he realized his strong muscles were of no use to him his eyes started darting around trying to find some way to escape.

As she watched his panic stricken face she brake into a slightly maniacal laughter. "Hahahaha you think that just because I was your slave for so many years that I am weak??? The only reason I didn't kill you before was because I didn't want to disappoint my friends or have any of those other young girls suffer anymore than they already did, and your men had their knives to there throats." Her eyes went to a distant place as she remembered her friends faces. After a moment her expression became hard again and the fury was back tenfold. "But you had them all executed because I stole a little bit of food for the ones that were weak!"
The blade flashed forward, almost as if it had a mind of it's own and before she realized it, she had cut a matching slit opposite of the original one.

She started screaming at him "you murdered the only ones that held me back from killing without mercy! You tortured and killed my friends! And now just because of your ego you come in here and try to do the same?!?" As she was screaming her blade moved back and forth opening small, but painful wounds all over his arms and chest, she wanted to save the eyes and face for later.

As Luna sliced him and screamed she calmed down slightly, the smell of his blood comforted her and the chains holding him gave her the restraint she needed, and besides if he died now she wouldn't be able to toy with him until she was satisfied "I became strong because of you, because I had one thing in life I wanted, to escape and never be treated that way again! You took away the few things I cared about and even then I tried to do as they wanted and not give into the bloodlust, but that is over now."

After saying that out load she came to a realization, the two things he cared about was power and money. If she wanted to torment him she would have to release him and do it by taking out the two things he loved. And besides that it wasn't just him who did this to young kids, she would make it her goals to hunt them down and kill every last one of them.

"Seeing your face made me realize something. I can never be happy knowing there are still those like you in the world. So let me tell you what I am going to do, I am going to kill everyone in your organization, then I'll be coming for you. I want you to watch as all your money and power, the only things you care about dwindle down to nothing. Before I cut out your heart."

I will try doing some more later, got things to do and places to be but I will be back!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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