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"Cassandra are you even listening to me?" My mother shrieked. I've found dozing off into an abyss of silence until my eyes become teary, better than listening to her helpless rambling. It's my seventh year at Hogwarts and the woman still thinks I'm incapable of taking care of myself.

"Yes mother. I shall write you every other week whenever I get a chance or something along those lines." I brush her off hoping she'll back off.

"Grimy you reek of alcohol. Please act like a lady, it's your last year and I don't want you to end on bad terms. I'll miss you. I'm sorry your father couldn't make it, you know how his work is." She pleads.

I lightly scoff at her excuses for my pathetic father. "When has he ever made it? I'll be fine." I snark. She wraps her arms around me and coddles me.

"Mother please get off I'm going to be late. I'll write to you. Okay?" She lightly nods. I feel pity for the woman. I'm practically all she has, my father works in the ministry and is rarely home and when he is he treats her worse than a house elf. He might as well just fucked her, got her pregnant, and left her with a bastard child. 

I grab my trunk and walk towards the steaming engine. A man in a red Hogwarts embed coat takes it from me. I get on the train and look for a compartment. See this is my last ride to Hogwarts and I'd rather spend it not alone yet not too crowded. I finally hear Lilith's cheery laughter and go to the nook. I enter to see Lilith sitting on Abraxas' lap, with Avery, Lestrange, and Tom sitting down. Avery and Lestrange seem to be playing some type of wizarding poker betting stacks of galleons with each other. While Tom of course is writing in his little black journal. The kid is a fucking git. We've been neck and neck ever since first year. You see, I'm not all for getting straight outstandings other than the things that I enjoy. Which includes DADA, potions, and reading dark arts books. Riddle however seems to always be ahead, which I don't give a flying shit about but there's something off. His stare is cold as ice, girls swoon over him, no one dares questioning him, and there's something captivating about him.

"Goodmorning goons." I greet the cabin and find a seat next to Tom. They all flash me a smile other than Riddle.

"Goodmorning Cassandra. Aren't you sad this is our last ride to Hogwarts together? I'm going to miss you all so dearly." Lilith rambles to me. Her arms still wrapped around Abraxas. I find the couple quite disturbing but Abraxas seems to love the Hufflepuff girl. The way he stares at her with such a hungry intent as if they're ready for the rest of their life together. And Lilith loves her boyfriend dearly, she talks about him in a different way than anyone has ever seen. I guess she brings out the good in him.

"I am. But I'm enthralled to see what the future beholds for us. Life is a ticking stop watch and yet somehow we're supposed to experience everything before it stops? What if our batteries die early and we've only experienced so little. 'Battre l'horloge de la vie est quelque chose que l'on n'a jamais fait.' That's a french quote I was once told. It means that no one has ever beaten death. It's a stupid little game, but I'd love to challenge it." I spew, and everyone had their eyes on me. Particularly Tom did.

"Quite an idiotic game shall I say, Viotto?" The frail boy next to me replied with mischief in his voice.

"Welp I see why you were placed in Ravenclaw. You certainly aren't a complete git." Lestrange said while high fiving Avery.

"Oh knock off!" I laugh at the two boys sitting across from me.

I glance and see Riddle mindlessly writing in his stupid black journal.

"Whatcha writing Tom? Confessing your endless love for me? Writing poems about flowers and daisies?" I pester while leaning over him.

Tom slams his book and smirks at me. God if satan was a human, he'd have that smirk. It could make angels fall at his knees with just a glance. He leans close to me and brushes my blonde hair off my neck.

"Of course, darling. Yet I'd relax on the whiskey, you smell like the three broomsticks." He whispers into my ear. His hot breath on my neck making my heart convulse and want to snog him right there.

"Well don't you love butterbeer?" I bite back after his subtle insult. He scoffs and chuckles opening up a different book and reading.

I look out the window and daze off, waiting for Abraxas and Lilith to knock off their mindless shagging in front of everyone, Lestrange to stop giving all of his money to Avery because he absolutely sucks at poker, and the devil to stop burning his eyes into my skull.

noelle's note: PLS ok this was so ass but i swear i'm planning on it getting better, lol so yeah

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