Chapter One - The Box

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There's a box.

I've seen it before, but I cannot enter. It's sides are sealed on all edges, and I hadn't brought my knife that day. I couldn't tell my friends about it; they wouldn't understand. They've never seen the box before, I know that much. I'd much rather simply keep the box to myself, like a little mystery for me to unravel and present the answer to the world when I'm done. I deserve an answer at least.

There's just something about it, I can't quite put my finger on it. It's so interesting, I don't know how to go about describing it just yet. I'll be back tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to get my thoughts in order.

For a moment I had thought about telling my mom, or even my sister, I tell her everything, but this doesn't seem important enough to mention.

I mean, it's just a box.

Tomorrow, once I'm done with school, I'll go to see the box again.

Maybe it will be open this time.

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