Chapter Two - The Walk

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I saw the box again.

It was right where I left it, where I knew it'd be. It hasn't changed any. The sides are still sealed shut. Even though I want to know what's inside, I can't bring myself to open it. It seems far too dense, I'm not sure I'd be able to get inside at all, even if I tried.

I went for a walk instead.

I thought that if I could just forget about it, I wouldn't be tortured with the questions it brought. Maybe if I pretend it isn't there, it might just disappear and I won't have to fuss over what's inside.

But when I came back, it was still there.

This time, I just kept walking.

The box wasn't open, and I couldn't open it yet, so I didn't see any point in dwelling on the mystery of what's inside it any further.

It will probably still just be there tomorrow.

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