first school day

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Lance POV

I have been living with my father for over three years.When my mother and father divorced my father got me and my older sister Veronica.Veronica moved out a year ago but i'm not shore where she moved. Tomorrow was my first day of high school I wasn't looking foreword to it cuss I  wold always be pushed around and constantly bullied.

I was bullied because of my form. Forms are important In this world a long time ago Humans developed animal features .Their are all kinds of animal forms but theirs always som. . .something different about about these forms for example the third main animal forms are foxes,wolfs,cats,any farm animal,and the corgis. Those where the third main animal forms and the least popular. The second most popular forms where monkeys,tigers,bears,bunny's,and peacocks.The really rare forms where any hawks,snakes,frogs,and lamas.I had a hawk form and for the one thing different about me was used to mock me and it wasn't any better at home.

Keith POV

When I was fourteen my animal features started to show and my parents flat out abandon me because in this world you have to look like everyone else. You better look like something  like a wolf or a fox. For a week I wondered around till a nice couple a man and women named Shiro and Allura had taken me in. It took me a while to warm up to them but know they are my legal gardens. Its been three years sines plus I'm going to a new school. Tomorrows my first day and let me tell you I'm not looking foreword to it.

nowon's  POV

The next morning Lance had to avoid his father,while Keith was already slithering to school. When lance finally left he was at least five minutes late witch in his opinion was great because it wold then turn into fifteen minutes late! Keith and Lance had different classes but at least Hunk and Pidge where gonna be there. These three have been friends for a very long time pidge,hunk,and lance. Pidge and Hunk have always been there for Lance they new that sins Lance was a rare animal that it wold be hard on him but they had no idea what was happening at home.

Keith POV

I looked to the class door and i saw someone rush super fast. I couldn't see what they looked like but I was interested to find out.

Lance POV

I rushed to my classroom sins I've been going here for a long time my teacher was definitely  gonna set the class on me no question. My English teacher definitely did not like me for no reason because I'v always done the work she wold hand out and I'd always turn it in on time. This time she wold kill me and have the class watch.

I walked into the English class waiting for Ms. Skitter to yell but instead there was a nice lady with long whit hair asking if i had a late pass.I looked up in confusion I think she saw my look and introduced herself as Ms. Allura. She had let me off with a warning about my pass and had me take a seat. One of the other students looked ate her confused and asked  "arent you gonna give him a beating??"Ms. Allura looked over to the kid that said that and said "Why on earth would I do that "! The boy said "because he's a hawk and a fag!" Ms. Allura did not take that well and exuded him to the principals office in a terrifyingly and angry way. Meanwhile I could fell a very angry Pidge staring at that boy.

Ms. Allura POV

Now sins I am new here I wold Like it if you wold all introduce yourselves!  -everyone name'd themselves but Pidge and Lance-  And you two?Hello I'm lance McClain and I'm a hawk's species.HELLO I'm Katie Holt but call me pidge and I'm in the monkey species!

Keith POV

*WOW this is really boring buuuut that boy from earlier seems interesting* OI LISTEN UP YA LITTLE BRATS I WANNA HERE NAMES STAT!!!   -everyone gave names but Hunk and Keith-  Hello I'm Keith Kogane and I'm in the snake species. Hello I'm Hunk McClain and I'm part of the bear species.

Okay, that class was really boring. Maybe I should check out the library.As I was thinking I herd someone call my name "hey there Keith"hm "Do you wanna hang around with me and my buddy's I know someone who wold love to meet you!!" He looked nice and I had nothing ells to do so o agreed. We started walking to the cafeteria when we saw a girl with blond hair green eyes and glasses being held and a boy with chocolate milk hair and ocean blue eyes and tan skin  being punched until he couldn't stand and then starting to kick but as soon as those guy's saw hunk with a pissed off look they all got scared and ran for it. Hunk ran over to a Lance with a small crying Pidge on top of him. I ran over after Hunk and when I got a closer look *IT WAS THE BOY FROM THIS MORNING* I helped Hunk Bring this boy to the nurse,while I kept this girl calm.


I hoped you enjoyed there will be another chapter very soon !!!!!!!!!

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