Act 1 Scene 1: Going to School

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*that pic is of a very irresponsible someone who overfilled her waste (*cough* ULM) container with a highly radioactive thing.  gosh, she should be kicked out*

Setting: Barbie's family's dream house, then the car, then the parking lot

Time: Monday morning

Barbie: Bye, Mom and Dad!  Bye, Stacy, Skipper, and Chelsea!  I'll miss you! I'll be back next weekend for Stacy's birthday!

Chelsea, hanging onto Barbie's leg: Please don't go!  Who will play blackjack with me?

Skipper, beckoning Chelsea away: I will, you little monster.

Barbie, checking her watch: Eek!  I'm late!

Barbie's Mom: Do you have everything?  I bought you some granola bars... here they are.

A car horn sounds.

Barbie: Op, that's Ken! Gotta go!

Barbie hugs Chelsea, then leaves.

On the way out, running with her suitcase of fresh laundry and a backpack full of textbooks, Barbie trips over a skateboard, right into Ken's arms.

Ken: Woah, easy, Barbie!

Skipper cheers through the window, pumping her arms up and down as if she were trying to get a semi to honk.

Barbie, smiling embarrassedly: Thanks, Ken.

They get in Ken's car, which is blue.  It is about the same size as a Subaru, only just a little bit smaller because it is California.  Idk, I'm not a car guy.

As they are driving, Barbie hums along, tapping to the rhythm.  Ken glances over, concerned.

Ken: Are you ready for the midterm coming up in Chem 257?

Barbie: So ready.  Not.

Ken: Want to study together?

Barbie: Sure!  Right after work, that is.  I'm off after 3:00.  You?

Ken: I'm off at the same time (under breath: as always)

Barbie: I am more concerned, at the moment, however, about the independent project coming up in Chem 353.  Want to be partners?

Ken, enthusiastically: Yes!

Barbie: Great!  Then it's settled.  What do you think our project should be on?

Ken: I hear a rumor that eggshells contain lead.  We have a probe for that, right?

Barbie: That sounds great!  Let's check with Dr. Anderson to get her advice on it.

Moments pass, Barbie now humming again and tapping her fingers.

Ken: So... there's a party Friday night...

Ken is cut off by a swerving car, a red convertible.  Upset, he honks.  

Barbie: Ken!  Please don't honk.  The driver might get angry with you!

Ken sighs.

Ken: Okay.  Sorry about the scare.

They end up following the car up to the parking lot outside Barbie's dorm.

A stiletto emerges, followed by red pants, a sparkly belt, and a glitzy black blouse.

Barbie: Raquelle.

Raquelle flips her hair over her shoulder, sees Ken, and twiddles her fingers in a wave.


*jk. that pic is of "non-toxic" diluted fluorescent highlighter ink. scary, right?*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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