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a/n: for the girl who asked me for more, i haven't proof read these since '20 maybe '21 lol. hope they aren't terrible!!

The lights flickered, signaling the beginning of the show. John shook the nerves out of his hands, bouncing on his heels. He did the work. It was time for a reward. "Here, mate." Simon pulls out a bag of powdered energy, taking his own share. John didn't enjoy becoming so reliant, but it improved their stage stamina. John gave a thanking nod, dipping a guitar pick as a scoop. He placed a thumb over his nostril, stopping the powder, and possibly blood, from spilling out. John winced as his eyes poured salty liquid. Within a few minutes, the effects would kick in. He tightened the strings on the back of his head band before adjusting his red button up. Nick slid his fingers across the keys of his keyboard with precision, signaling for the rest of the boys to come out.
Moving on the floor now babe, you're a bird of paradise
John chimed with his soft bass notes, letting his shoulders direct him with the beat. Simon jumped around the stage, missing notes left and right. More than likely having coke to blame. Andy, in practically the same outfit as John, always felt the need to show off with every chance he got, with his overpowering backup vocals and bombarding John's side of the stage. Roger, as shy as he was, always got a reassuring smile from John. Still, the bassist searched around the crowd. His eyes burnt bright from the stage lights, he attempted to keep beat while scanning.
There she was.
The second row, the once short brunette stood, propped on Go Go boots. John's heart fluttered as she repeated all the lyrics back to him. The search was over; he could now relax and enjoy his high. No one's attention seemed panned on him apart from her. Bass players never got as much recognition as which John was okay with, as long as he had her attention. Vada danced, lifting her arms around her head, bumping into Celeste who had just as good of a time. A reflective yellow band caught John's eye. An under 21 ID? The state of California had laws for who was to buy alcohol, something John was unfamiliar with. So how old was she? John, rearing 22 in just a month or two, was unaware he was about to pick up a teenager. He darted his eyes away, not trying to pay too much attention. Maybe she would forget about him.
The band performed their encore, Lonely in Your Nightmare, and gave a wave off to the crowd.
With his brain pounding from anxiety and his high, he prayed the girls wouldn't find their way back here. He couldn't let her down easily with his uppers flowing through his bloodstream. "Hey, we gotta go." He mumbled under his breath to Nick. "What are you flapping about, Johnny boy? Who'd' you piss off now?"
"No one, yet." His pupils expanded in fear, focusing on the keyboardist. "John!" Vada's voice from behind echoed off the walls in his head as he froze. "Shit..." He uttered, clamming his eyes shut. "Hey, Vada." He gave a sweaty hug.
"You have a minute to talk? I'd hate to bug you."
"Actually I-"
"He has nothing going on, Lovely. He's all yours." Nick pushed the bassist in her direction, with a wink in his direction.
John pulled Vada into a dressing room, stripping his stage gear. Awkwardly, she turned away, not wanting to stare directly. "What's wrong? You've never seen a man undress?" He sneered with a roll of his eyes. "Oh- I just wanted you to have your privacy. I'm sorry." Vada dug her foot into the concrete flooring, longing for John to mention her appearance. She understood how stressful performing live was, trying to justify his brief responses.
"You did wonderful tonight, John. I could listen to you play all day." She tucked her hair behind her ear, something that once crippled John.
"Thanks," John tugged some jeans on and tucked his feet into a pair of sneakers. Rather than speaking, Vada nodded and propped her weight against a vanity. She no longer recognized the man in front of her. Where was the hopeless romantic John? She chewed her lip in contemplation, waiting for him to dress so she could go. She wouldn't dare tell Celeste until they officially left the venue; the girl packed a wicked punch.
"When were you gonna tell me how old you are?"
"You heard me. Look, kid. I'm not your bloody babysitter." Kid? Vada's eyes couldn't keep focus. Where was this coming from? He was treating her like a baby, and she was far from it. She couldn't get word out, her heart shattering on the concrete. "I can see the wrist band, Vada." She peered down at the under 21 band. Did he assume this meant she was 15? No longer was she hurt, she now was pissed.
"I'm 19, you fucking asshole." Vada groaned, emphasizing her insult.
John, taken back by her response, was shaken to the bone. "Shit, Vada. I'm sorry. I just thought-"
"I knew I should have stayed home." Vada interrupted, holding John at arm's length with his headband she fought the crowd for in her hand. She immediately had tied it around her upper arm, showing it off to all of the other fans. Now, she wanted to burn it. Vada forced it into his grip. She grabbed the door, wiping under her eyes with her other hand. If John never listened to Nick before, his advice definitely replayed in his head today. It's not the time. His head met the headrest of the couch as he rubbed his eyes. This was not the sobering moment he wanted.
"Can we go?" Vada squeezed Celeste's arm, breaking her moment with Simon. "Wh- Yes. O-Okay, you've got my house number. So CALL me!" She ordered Simon, who winked back at her.
"What happened back there? I swear on everything I will kill him, Vada. Just say the word."
"Nono, it just wasn't meant to be. I just wanna go home." Her lip quivered as tears formed in her eyes. She told herself not to get attached, it wasn't what she wanted anyway. Or was it? Celeste dried her tears with her thumbs, the brisk May air hitting their bare skin. "Listen to me, he is not worth your time. There are way better options out there. Fame or not, you can do so much better." Vada nodded, keeping her composure.
Celeste put an arm around her, walking side by side to the bus taking them home.
"Let's watch a movie, yeah?" The friend offered while Vada changed into pajamas. "There's a message! What if it's Simon?"
"Cel, it's been an hour." Vada laughed, pulling her father's college sweater over her head. She took a seat next to her friend, propping an elbow on the back of the couch. "Don't be a debbie downer, Vada Jane. I'm trying to be famous-"
"Hey Vada, It's Corey. I'm not sure if this is the number to reach you at, I'm back in town for a few weeks. Uh, give me a call when you can." Her gaze never breaks from the machine. "Was that-"
"Mhhm." Her heart started racing, memories flooding from the darkest crevice of her brain. "Are you gonna call him?" Celeste spoke with tender footsteps, knowing the severity of the situation.
"I- I'm not sure yet." Celeste nodded, not pushing any further. Vada chewed on her nail, trying to focus on anything other than Corey's voice playing over in her head. The sounds of the movie were silent as intrusive thoughts rang loudly in her head.

"Y'know, he would be a good rebound off of John, based on your reviews." Vada laughed, throwing a pillow at Celeste. She was grateful for a friend like her. She did everything she could to put her in a better mood. And it would work, if only for a little. Hell, she'd forgotten all about John. Thankfully shows must go on, tours must continue. She didn't know where the next show would take them, but hopefully it'd be far from here.

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