Chapter 7 It's Starting

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We were in our bedroom, were packing our things because we were gonna leave for our mission, it is starting. I got nervous, a little and I don't know why. Laxus is almost done and so do I.

"Do we forget something?" I cleared, looking around me.

"I don't think so." He replied.

"Then, were ready." I said in a happy tone.

We went out on our room and walked heading to the elevator. He pushed the button and the elevator started moving. We made a silence, not an awkward silence it's just a silence.

We arrived at the first floor and we started walking. We saw the others waving at us and I waved back.

"Are we ready?" Laxus asked, looking irritated.

"Hmm.. Yes." Lyon replied.

We went outside and we saw a two Magic Four Wheel Vehicle in front of us.

They put their bags at the back and I followed but Laxus grabbed it and looked at me and I looked back.

"I'll put them for you." He said. "Go sit already and have a reserve for me beside you."

"Wait, what?" I cleared. Do he said he wanted to sit beside me? Oh golly!

"You heared me." He replied with a wide grin in his face and winked and went on the back of the vehicle to put our bags.

Ofcourse, I followed. I went in and sat, there is a seat beside me.

I waited for him, ofcourse. And atlast he's here. He looked t me and looked at the seat beside me.

"As what you said, I reserved a chair for you." I said and smiled.

He just smiled back and sat. The vehicle started it's engine and drove. Here in the vehicle, Lyon, Jura-san, and the others are here.

Suddenly, the vehicle stopped. We all looked alarm. Jura-san went off the vehicle and we all followed.

"What happened?" Jura-san asked to Hibiki, he's the one driving.

"We can't go any further." Hibiki answered. "There are so many woods, it's hard to countinue."

"We can survive to walk, right?" I suggested.

"Maybe." Ren answered.

"So, let's go now." Laxus said and started to walk. I also followed.

The woods are so many. The others followed too.

I felt that we are in the center of the forest because the woods here are thicker. Jenny got scared and went to Laxus's side and held his arms.

"Laxus, I'm scared." Jenny said scared.

Laxus just ignored her. Well I'm not jealous. Ofcourse not! What am I thinking?! Ughh!


When Jenny held my arms, I glanced at Mira. I caught her looking at us but she hurriedly turned away.

Well, I think she's jealous.

We still countinued walking until Jenny complained.

"I'm tired can we rest for a minute?"

She complained with a tiring face.

"Ofcourse." Mira answered. "Were not in a hurry, right?"

"Yeah?" Lyon answered. "But we need to get going before night time."

Mira nodded in response.

I looked at her, she looks tired.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Me?" She asked. "I'm fine. I don't feel any tiredness at all."

"Okay?" I answered. "But if you feel tired, just tell me, okay?"

She nodded in response and smiled.

Jenny looking jealous, she punched my arms.


She only pouted.

We still countinued walking until someone got all the girls, including Mira!

Suddenly he appeared in our front.

"Where did you placed them?!" I shouted at him.

He is wearing a mask that looks creepy and a coat that is big.

He smiled.

"I placed them somewhere you can't find. He said and laughed so hard and dissapeared.

I felt so worried, I wanted to find Mira but I don't know where she is.

"Do you have a map of this forest?" I asked.

"Yes." Hibiki answered. "I brought one but it's old."

"It's okay." I answered.

He pulled the map out of his hand and gave it to me.

We are in the center of a forest. There is a mountain who has a cave on it and jt is the only cave this forest have.

"Maybe they placed them there." Jura said.

"Let's go."

Hi Minna-san! This is the update and I hope you like it as much as I am. And thank you very much for the comments that really touched my heart. And for the votes thanks a lot. And thank you for reading. And I am so happy that it has almost 1k reads. It really made me happy. Thank you so much MiraXus shippers!!

And always remember:




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