More Broken Codes

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Athesis: You're the bad guy in somebody's story

Hibiki: Pal, I'm the bad guy in MY story


Ophelia: Okay, you're driving and you see Shoto and Andrew on the road. What do you hit?

Hibiki: Easy. The accelerator so I can hit both of those àssholes at the same time

Ophelia: The breaks, you moron. You hit the breaks


Rini: I can explain

Spiridon and Nino, both covered in glitter: Can you?

Rini: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie, yeah


Ophelia, about Shoto: You have some things in common

Hibiki: Yeah. Breathing


Rini: When you die, I'm gonna play All Star at your funeral

Nino: Bold of you to assume that I'll die first

Rini: Bold of you to assume I can die in the first place


Rini, after showing up to the facility after being told to stay away: In my defense, I was left unsupervised


Hibiki: And you know what the worst part is?

Ophelia: That you have to process all of this without any vodka?

Hibiki: No

Hibiki: ... Yes


Hibiki: I swing both ways

Hibiki: Violently. With a giant scythe


Nino/Theo: I can't believe you would do something this stupid

Rini/Spiridon: I think we can all believe I would be doing something this stupid

(Couldn't pick which worked best so...)


Yumeko: Is anyone else scared?

Rini: Not really. I've already lived longer than I expected


Rini: I have good news and bad news! Which do you wanna hear first?

Melissa, sceptically: The good news?

Rini: It's very unlikely I'll ever do it again


Rini: I'm throwing a surprise party for Nino

Kai: Don't you hate Nino?

Rini, filling balloons with bees: Strong word but yes


Hibiki: A lot of people want to kill me, I take great pride in that

((And here's a Lumos meme for flavour))

Chavonne: Hey, Spiri, what are those marks on your neck?

Spiridon: Uh, mosquito bites?

Theo: *walks in*

Chavonne: Hey Mosquito

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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