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A few tears were still falling down your cheeks. Your pupils were still bigger than usual, they barely were showing the blue in your eyes, that the Creator definitely didn't waste while making you. Your freckled face was so pale, I thought you were close to faint. I realized we really look like siblings. The wind stopped, it was so quiet that it started to be awkward. You looked at the sky, the clouds were dark and you knew it's going to rain. Obviously, you'll use it as an excuse to leave.

- Looks like it's going to rain! - Yep. - I'll be going home, guess we will see each other later?

I was surprised by the fact that you wanted to see me later, we just met and it didn't feel like the start of a new friendship. Sure, we go to the same school, but we never really talked, all I knew was that teachers hate you, you hate them, and you like to party... a lot. And now you decided to vent and open up to me, a random person sitting alone in the middle of nowhere. I didn't expect you to remember all that happened, because you were definitely drugged, but to my surprise, you were also so calm and... weak? I knew you as a really dangerous and aggressive guy, that would burn my house down if I look at him in the wrong way. And now you were going to leave me confused without any explanation. I felt my head starting to ache because of all those thoughts.

- Sure, see you... later.

You smiled sadly and left. Well, shit. The mixed emotions made me wanna throw up. Shock, confusion, sadness, tiredness. That was just... too much. My head only ached harder, I decided to listen to some music before going home. I put my earphones in and turned on a random playlist on my phone.

We were so close for the first time. I don't know if I've ever been this close with anyone, actually. Did it really happen? Or am I crazy? I couldn't believe all of this. School bully really sat here with me and talked about his life and then he... cried? Cried in my arms like a little child and even thanked me for listening. You seem like you haven't experience that kind of understanding and intimacy ever in your life. I wanted to go away when I saw you coming in my direction, but you shouted for me to wait, which made my anxiety go even higher. But you didn't do anything. You just sat next to me without any word, looked me in the eyes and sighed. That's just fucked up. I felt a single drop of water on my hand. Now it actually started to rain. I headed toward home.

When I got home, the pulsing in my head got even worse and the noise in my head kept me from hearing my own thought, not even speaking of music.

Guess I'm just tired.

My parents weren't home yet so I decided to go to sleep, it will be much easier when they aren't around. I took off my shoes, turned off my phone and went straight to my bed. I just wished that my thoughts will shut up for a moment and let me sleep in peace.

I wished.

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