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When I got home I realized how tired I am and how much work I have to do. Next year, I should stop procrastinating and start to actually study, since it all comes back to me at the end of the semester. I took off my shoes and went to the kitchen where I smelled some delicious food.

- Watcha cooking mom? - I said while pouring orange juice in the glass.

- Your favorite Curry, I just started so you'll have to wait a little.

Thought of my favorite dish made my stomach growl. I ate only breakfast today, which was a banana with yogurt. Definitely not something for me.

- Sure, I have to study anyway.

I picked up my juice and went straight to my bedroom. I prepared all of my books, notes, and basically all I needed. I took a sip with dramatic 'Ahh' sound. Time to actually study.


After half an hour, I felt exhausted already. Things I read still didn't make any sense, and it was just making my head hurt. A little break wouldn't hurt, right? I stood up and stretched. I looked out the window, where everything was better. I've always preferred nature and the outdoors, which doesn't mean I don't like being alone. In my home, I felt... trapped? There were always some rules, some boundaries, while outside I could be 'free'. Especially now, when it's summer. The sun was still shining though it was more cloudy now. It wasn't windy, everything was motionless and peaceful. I could still see the beach from there. I didn't see anyone, just some birds mistaking plastic bags with food. Poor creatures. I was so excited for the end of this semester. After the finals, we're going on a school trip. I was so excited about it, school trips were always fun and entertaining, until I found out we're going there with your class. I would like to relax there, escape from all that stress and anxiety and just chill with my friend, but if you'd be there, it won't be so pleasant. I just knew it. Maybe you weren't that bad for me, but I was still worried about my friends, or what stupid thing you would do now. I don't want anybody to get hurt, and knowing you, it is possible. My vibrating phone 'woke me up'. It was a message from Sheila.

From: Sheila

girl come to our place. now!

I really felt like I'm reading a message from my mom. But my mind went immediately to the thought that something bad might happened, that she might need my help.

From: Me

should i be scared?

From: Sheila

pls stop panicking and just come here already.

Come to our place, huh? It was funny to me that our place was literally some old barn that nobody was using anymore. But it was fun to hang out there, nobody disturbed us and we could party, or just talk, in peace, without worrying about the police or something. I looked down at my notes. Fuck it, I know enough. I ended up my juice - which wasn't so tasty anymore - and went downstairs, suddenly getting the energy.

- Hey, where are you going? The dinner is almost ready.

Shit. My beloved curry.

- Ugh, sorry mom! Sheila called, it's important, I'll eat it later, okay?

Without letting her answer me, I was already outside. I decided to go there on my skateboard since I'm going alone and it's pretty far away. I put in my earphones, took my board from the porch, and moved straight to the barn.

The thoughts got me again. Since when you like the beach? I thought you liked 'less public' places, somewhere far away from town. But the beach was pretty popular in this shithole. And I remember you were running out of school, you really were in a hurry just to go to the beach... alone? Taking pictures? And you even took a photo of me? It all didn't add up. I know people change, but with you, it was too sudden.

Fuck this asshole.


When I got there, it didn't look like something bad happened. I heard music, and the closer I was getting, the smell of weed was growing stronger. Did I really worried about nothing again? I opened the door and saw Sheila, Jackson, and other teenagers dancing, laughing, smoking.

- Yo, Jo! - Sheila called me

I came closer, a confused look on my face.

- Wanna stroke? - she offered me a half-smoked joint.

- Did I really come here to see you all high as hell? Girl, next time just tell me what you want straight, don't make me worry.

She rolled her eyes and shrugged me in my arm.

- Ohhh, relax babe! - she almost put this joint in my mouth.

- You know I don't like this shit.

- After Saturday's party I could tell the complete opposite. - she teased, a stupid smirk on her face.

Last weekend a lot of things happened. I was at a party at my other friend's house, it was supposed to be just a little hang out for my friend group, but it ended up to be... at least crazy night. I'm in high school, things are getting stressful, so why not relax? But now, I didn't feel like smoking. Somebody has to be responsible.

- Shut up! - I pushed her away lightly while laughing. Jackson soon came and started dancing with her. I loved seeing my friend finally happy, it made me forget about my anxieties.

I decided to look around, since I don't have anything else to do. Even though we hung out here often, I didn't pay attention to most of the things here, usually, I was coming here only for one thing. But now it was time to be nosy. Walls here were really old, they were basically crumbling. Planks, boxes, and rocks were all over the floor, some of them were used as a chair or a table. The columns here were all in colorful graffiti, some titles carved in the wood as well. My attention caught a big, white heart with the initials 'M' and 'S' in it. I smiled. It was adorable that people were still doing that. Next to it, I noticed a much smaller "MICHAEL WAS THERE' carved in the wood. Oh my god. So you were coming here as well? Wait, was the initial 'M' yours then? I laughed to myself while thinking about you being 'romantic' and cute. I checked the time on my phone. It was still pretty early, I think I can party a little and then go home, I'll be still able to study, right? Also, one stroke didn't kill anyone yet, so fuck it.

- Sheila! - I came closer while smirking - pass the pot.

She smirked back and gave me the dope.

Only one stroke, Jolene, don't embarrass yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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