~Chapter 1~

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Sophie POV

Sophie hugged her sweatshirt tighter to her body, wishing she had grabbed a coat during her haste to leave. She had been laying on her bed in her small dorm, reading a book, when Sophie's roommate and best friend, Maylee, had called her and yelled at her to get to the small coffee shop around the block quickly or else she would hide Sophie's Harry Potter book collection if she didn't go meet her. 

It was mid December and holidays were just around the corner, so everyone was out with their kids and friends, shopping to prepare and share gifts with their loved ones. Unfortunately, that was one of the downfalls, going to college in New York City, the holidays were a nightmare. After a long talk with her parents, Sophie was still not allowed to attend Yale, but her parents finally allowed Sophie to attend Columbia University in New York City. Up until last summer, Sophie attended a local high school just around the block from her house. Sophie lived in San Diego until she was twelve, until her dad got a job offer in New York to work as a salesman for Apple. After living in New York for about five years, Sophie applied for Columbia University and was quickly accepted. As soon as the school year started, Sophie moved into a dorm on the university campus and met her roommate, Maylee. She had one older brother who lived on his own and was married, so Maylee felt bad leaving her parents alone at her house, but they had insisted she try a new experience. Maylee was very outgoing and definitely wasn't afraid to share her opinion. Sophie rushed down the crowded New York streets and turned the corner, only half a street away from the cafe now, only to slam into someone.

 Sophie rushed down the crowded New York streets and turned the corner, only half a street away from the cafe now, only to slam into someone

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Biana POV

"Ms. Vacker? Are you alright?" Mr. Forkle asked. "Y-yeah," Biana stammered. "I understand you are nervous Ms. Vacker, as are all of us," he gestured to the rest of her friends and The Collective, "but we cannot mess this up. This has been the only lead we have had as to where Ms. Foster might be in three years." Biana nodded. 

Ever since the Black Swan was attacked at Rimeshire, they had not seen Sophie again. Everyone suspected the Neverseen had placed Sophie somewhere in the Forbidden Cities, but no one knew where to start. After that attack, the Neverseen kind of backed down for a while, other than occasionally stealing something from Atlantis or leaving their creepy eye symbol on houses and buildings. Some people thought the Neverseen killed Sophie, and were now content with their victory, but Biana knew what they were trying to do. They wouldn't kill Sophie, she was too valuable to them, and they weren't backing down, they wanted to see what the Elves and Black Swan would do next, waiting to pounce from deep in the shadows.

"Biana, we have to go," Linh's gentle voice said, "Okay," Biana replied, her voice still shaky. Biana and Linh had grown closer when Sophie was taken. Instead of Linh's old look, she now rocked shoulder length hair, with the ends still dyed silver. "Remember, Ms. Vacker and Ms. Song will be disguised as humans," Wraith recapped to nobody in particular, "they will use this leaping crystal to leap to the human city we were lead to. The next step will be the hardest," he paused, "they will then search the University Sophie is believed to attend, Columbia University,-"

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