Chapter Seven - Reunion

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Everything was fuzzy, nothing hurt, it was just numb.

I could hear muffled voices around me and I heard a hand pat ky cheek a few times. Groaning, I turned my head and opened my eyes every so slightly.

"Lauren! Lauren, you're okay. Just stay with me." The voice sounded like someone was being muffled by a pillow, but I could tell it was Derek.

I wanted to tell him I was fine. I wanted to smile and show him it was okay, but my body didn't want to cooperate with my wants.

"We need to get her to a hospital." Emily's voice cut through my ears and I felt the binds around me being cut as they loosened off of my body.

"Yeah I know that..." his voice trailed off and I slipped into unconsciousness once again.

I could feel my body being lifted up, but next thing I knew I was opening my eyes again and I could see florescent lights passing by and a bunch of men in white labcoats with girls in blue hovering over me as they walked and worked on me.

"She's gained Consciousness! Hey. Can you tell me your name?" A doctor asked as the bed I was in was being rolled into the Emergency Room.

"SSA...Ellie Lauren...FBI..." I mumbled lowly, trying to look around.

"How old are you?" He asked, shining a light into my eyes.

"Twenty three..."

"Who is the President of the United States?" He asked and I groaned.

"I don't wanna say it out loud."

"I'll take it." He mumbled, "We need to do blood transfusions to get the drugs out of your system. Do you know what drugs were used on you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, he drugged me while I was unconscious from when he abducted me." I answered, looking around to take mental notes on everything as they got things set up, "Can you put me under? I don't wanna be awake for this." I groaned and he nodded, grabbing a mask and putting it over my mouth and nose.

"I'm going to count down from ten, just take some deep breathes." As his voice got duller i closed my eyes, slipping into unconsciousness once again.

The next time I woke up, the nightmare was over. I felt myself wake up and the lights were off, signaling that it was night time. I didn't know how much time had passed since my abduction, but I was glad to be safe.

I looked around the dark room and saw that I was alone, granted it was night time so I was suprised in the slightest. I figured that I should inform someone I was awake so I pressed a call nurse button.

Soon three nurses and a Doctor flooded into my room, relaxing at the fact that I was awake.

"You gave us quite a scare Agent Lauren," the doctor from my procedure chuckled looking down at his clipboard, "You had a lot of drugs in your system."

"Yeah, I could feel it." I chuckled, "I have no sense of time right now. I think my brain thinks I'm still drugged up." I admit rubbing my head.

"You have people in the waiting room, do you want us to bring them in here?" He asked and I nodded, sitting up in the hospital bed.

They disappeared and within a few minutes my team was in my room and I smiled so wide.

"Hey guys! Long time no see." I joked lightly to ease the tension, but none of them budged. I did see their microexpressions change, but their demeanor were the same.

"Why does it feel like I'm getting fired here?" I asked playing with my fingers.

Hotch was the first one to speak up, "You were missing for three days, Ellie." He said and my jaw slacked open.

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