chapter 1: oh, how I miss her

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It's been over a year and she's still gone. Maybe, maybe I'm the problem. I'm her problem. Although I still want her, I still need her.

I lay here engulfed the darkness that are my emotions. I miss het more than anything.

They call her their princess. But she was my queen, and i was her's. we could have been Queens together. We could have lived a simple happy life she could have stayed with me. But now she needed more I wasn't enough for her. Please Bonnibel comeback.


It's been almost a year. I know it's my fault, I know I'm the reason she's gone. And I'm so so sorry. I just wish you would come back. I wish she would love me again. I still love her and I always, always will love you Marceline.

I have everything I dreamed of I have a kingdom I have people that praise me and yet I'm still not happy. I don't think I will ever be happy without her oh, oh how I miss her. If only she gave me another chance.

Sorry its so short! No hate please, this is my first bubbline fanfic so sorry if its bad!!!

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