Chapter 8

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Gianna's POV:
Today is the last day before competition and I'm really excited for it. Kenzie is working really hard on this solo and I know how badly she wants to win for Maddie.

"Okay I'm going to have a showcase for all of the dances that will be at competition tomorrow"Abby said and everyone nodded
"Okay Kenzie you're first"Abby said and Kenzie nodded and started her solo.

Kenzie's solo is beautiful it reminds me a lot of Maddie's dancing, her technique is beautiful, her emotion is simple but beautiful, and she is just nailing this choreography.

"Kenzie that was beautiful, it's a pleasure to watch"Abby said Kenzie smiled and then headed over to me and I gave her a hug.

"Chloe you're next"Abby said and Chloe started her solo

Chloe's solo is beautiful her technique is amazing and she is really bringing Abby's choreography to a new level.

"Christi, I think Chloe is going to be a star"Abby said and Chloe smiled
"She's got it all and now with Maddie gone she is using this opportunity to one bring honor to Maddie's name but also show me that she is an amazing dancer"Abby said and Chloe gave Abby a hug and headed back to her mother

"Okay Kendall you're up"Abby said and Kendall started her solo.

Kendall is dancing beautifully her and Chloe really have competition with each other cause there technique and emotion is both on point.

"Kendall I gave you a challenge this week by giving you a dance that Maddie did the week before she died, but you are stepping up to the plate and really showing me that you can do choreography that Maddie did"Abby said and Kendall nodded

"Okay Paige you're up"Abby said and Paige started her solo.

Paige's solo is amazing her emotion and tricks are off the charts and her technique is a bit better than when she last performed it.

"Paige I thought it was good but you can do better I want you to dance to where you are right up next to Kendall and Chloe and right now I don't see it"Abby said Paige nodded and headed back to her mom.

"Okay Brooke you're up"Abby said and Brooke started her solo.

Brooke's solo is okay but it's evident that she is a contortion dancer and that she's struggling to make this tap dance a style that she's barely done good.

"Brooke you are the oldest here and honestly I think you are doing the worst with your solo"Abby said
"Well maybe had you given her a style that she can do maybe she would be amazing"Kelly yelled
"Well she should be able to do multiple styles not just one"Abby yelled
"It's just evident who you want to win and who you don't by the solos like come on why does my kids get the worst stuff"Kelly yelled
"Cause they can't do much they both aren't that advanced"Abby yelled
"How dare you"Kelly said and walked out with Paige and Brooke.

"They'll be back right"Kenzie said
"I don't know and I don't care"Abby said and then Kelly walked back in the door
"You're so lucky that my kids want to dance cause if not they'd be gone by now"Kelly said

"Okay with that over with Nia you can go now"Abby said and Nia started her solo.

Nia's solo looks stunning her emotion is spectacular and her technique is improving.

"Nia I commend you on the improvement on your technique and how good your emotion is, I don't think this is a good as when Maddie did but it is still an amazing solo either way"Abby said and Nia nodded.

"Okay well everyone can go head home and pack for the competition tomorrow"Abby said and we all headed home.

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