Chapter 1: Welcome To Neverland

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Nora Rose is at the top

Nora's POV:

I woke up on an island, but Where exactly was I? I looked around to see it was still dark outside. I shivered feeling cold. I went to stand up, but got light headed and had to sit down. So I sat back down. I looked around me taking in the sunrise over the horizon. I sighed, feeling relaxed. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked towards the sound quickly. There stood a boy around my age, maybe around eighteen or nineteen from the looks of him. He smiled at me as he stared at me. I suddenly felt a smile on my face as well.

"What's your name? I'm Nora Rose.", I told him, smiling still. I looked around me. 
"Where am I exactly??", I asked, looking around myself again. He kept silent.

Felix's POV:

"Welcome to Neverland. I'm Felix Beastly.", Felix said, still smiling. I couldnt help but chuckle as I stared at her. I blushed a little with a nervous chuckle. She tried not to giggle, but couldn't old it in. 

"Wait, so this is Neverland?", she asked, gesturing around us both. I nodded. 

"Come on. Let's get you back to camp with the lost boys.", I said, smiling. She smiled and nodded. She followed me into the dark forest. When we got to the camp, everyone stopped to look our way, making her feel uncomfortable. She shivered, feeling a chill in the night air. 

I noticed and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry. They normally do this when there is a lost girl here. And as for Pan, he gives off a vibe that makes you fear him or feel uncomfortable. But just ignore it.", I told her. She nodded looking up into my eyes. She stayed close to me as we got closer to everyone. She yawned, tiredly. I noticed and told the lost boys we needed some rest. 

"Felix? Who's the girl??", Pan asked, curiously. "Her name is Nora Rose. She's very tired so I hope you don't mind her going to sleep?", I said, looking Pan in the eye. Pan nodded and walked away back over to the fire. Then, he looked over his shoulder as spoke. "Nora can stay in your tent then Felix.", Pan said. I nodded and went into my tent to see Nora was fast asleep. Poor girl was exhausted when she got here, I thought to myself. I walked to my bed and lay in it thinking of Nora and how beautiful she was. Soon enough, I fell fast asleep and into a dream where I was with Nora at the lake at night going for a swim....

>>>>>Felix's Dream<<<<<

Nora and I were walking side by side, talking about how time is frozen and we could love each other forever. 

We stopped by the lake and sat at the edge near the water. I Pushed her into the water, laughing. She surfaced and splashed me. I suddenly ran and jumped into the water as well. We splashed each other laughing. Soon enough, we got out to dry off. I set a warm towel around her as she shivered from the cold air blowing by us. Suddenly, Pan found us. I held Nora closer to my body to keep her warm. 

"Felix? What are you doing out here??", Pan asked, darkly. "I wanted to go for a swim. So I took Nora with me. But it was my idea, not hers.", I told Pan, locking eyes with him. Pan nodded and smirked evilly. He grabbed me and Nora, dragging us back to camp, angrily. 
"Pan, what is with you?! You say you want us happy, then you get angry because I'm in love?! Who the hell are you?! You're not the Pan I know!", I yelled, trying to free his grip on me and Nora. 
"Lost boys?! Wake up! I know it's late, but someone broke my rules here! It's time for a game of Make The Couple feel Pain!", Pan yelled, evilly. The Lost boys gathered around us. 
Pan threw me to a group of lost boys to hold me still. Then, he threw Nora to another group of lost boys. Then, he began beating me up. I knew he'd do the same to Nora. I looked at her and mouthed 'sorry' to her. She cried as Pan punched me in the face while he stabbed me few times and healing my wounds. Then, they threw me to the ground and Pan walked towards Nora. Pan began doing what he did to me but stabbing her more times than what I had. She screamed in pain as the lost boys cheered. I felt like my heart dropped and sank as I watched him hurt the girl I loved so much. Then, Pan threw her to the ground as she curled into a ball, crying. She stayed that way, fear not leaving her eyes as she cried. I crawled over to her and she jumped in fright. 
"Nora? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. But we'll get through this together. I promise. No matter what Pan does to tear us apart, our love with bind us and bring us to one another when we're separated.", I said, holding her as she cried into my chest.

>>>>Dream Over<<<<

I woke up with a jolt and saw it was still dark outside. I looked at Nora who was still asleep. I stood up and went out to the fire and think of how to leave this place. How would it be possible to escape this place and grow up with Nora, I thought to myself.  Suddenly, someone sat next to me. I looked up to see Pan. 

"What's on your mind, Felix?", he asked me. "I don't want to talk about it, Pan.", I told him and looked into the fire. "Something's clearly on your mind. If you'd like to talk, let me know.", Pan said, standing up to walk back into the tent he slept in. I sat there still staring into the fire. Just then, someone sat next to me on the oppisite side from where Pan sat. I looked up to see Nora. She gave me a worried look. Then, she hugged me. I put my arms around her and held her close to me. We sat there in silence. Soon Nora fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and put her into our tent on her bed. Then, I got in next to her and fell asleep myself.

Little did I know what would happen in the next few days as I planned for a possible escape... I knew it was a risk, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. But nothing would stop me from telling Nora my feelings for her. I will tell her tomorrow, I thought to myself. Then, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep....

I Fell In Love With A Lost Boy (Felix Beastly/OUAT Love Story)(Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now