Chapter 1

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Boss: Siwon




Personality:She can be cold to newcomers and freinds.She doesn't trust people easily and keeps watch on them secretly but if she realizes they aren't trying to do any harm she accepts them.

Speciality:Taekwando,specializes in guns

Name:X (Wooyoung)


Personality:He himself is a secret.He doesn't like to get close to people because he fells they will leave the but even so he gets close to some.




Personality:She likes to socialize and make new freinds.She usually acts like a baby even though she's the oldest.She became an agent at 18 years old.


Name:Chae Won


Personality:She's freindly to people she works with but cold to people who she only meets the first time.She has a boyfreind from the agency named V.

Speciality:Specializes in knifes.




Personality:He is a warm person who makes everybody laugh with his strange personality.He has a girlfreind.


Name:Eun Chae


Personality:She always acts all mighty and pretends to know everything.Her nickname is omma because she takes care of everyone.

Specialty:Specializes in sniper guns



Personality:He's the cutest but always acts all manly.He has a big crush on Areum but she doesn't like him in that way.He's very kind and takes good care of people.





Personality:The best hacker and he shows it.He likes to get to know more people but is shy around girls.


Name:Chun Ja


Personality:She is very boring but very good at her job.





Personality:She can be very stubborn but is very clever that's why she is the lead doctor.She is always there for you.

Name:Jong Suk


Personality:He is a jokster.He likes to make people laugh but is serious about his work and doesn't let people control him.


I woke up at 07:04 I got dressed in some short pants and a dark t shirt,I made myself a ponytail and went to practice my skills.

"Not bad" I heard and turned to look who it is "Luhan" I stoped practicing and he came closer "See you're working hard" he smiled "Sure am wanna spare?" I asked "Why not" he came in wearing some shorts and a white t shirt.We glared at each other while walking in circles "Why don't you charge first?" he said "Loved to" I charged at him with a punch and he dodged it hitting me in the stomach "Remember I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl" he said and I smiled "Me either" I charged with a high kick and hit him,h charged at me with flip and a kick.

It went on like this untill both of us were tied "Yo!" Tina came in "Hy Tina" I said "You two fighting who won?" we looked at each other and answered at the same time "Tie" she laughed "Again?woah you two really are the best" she said "So what's up" I said taking a sip for my water bottle "The boss is calling you" "Okay" I said and coldly walked away.

I opened the door and sat on the couch "No bows?" he joked sitting infront of me "Just caught to the chase" I said "Okay well theres a mission for you" he handed me an envolope and I looked at it "His name is Keyl he's the Red bull's gang leader" I looked at the picture "He steals money and aleready infiltrated an agency so it's your mission to kill him" he finished "Got it?" I trew the envelope on the table "Got it but you won't be doing it alone" I looked at him "It may not seem like a tough job but it is so you'll be going with the new assassin" he looked at the door and someone came in it was a guy he was wearing a slevless shirt,he had a tatoo on his left arm and a glove "This is your new partner X"

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