Chapter 4

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Sorry it's short but this what a double post is

 just an extra Chunk I wanted to write but did not have the effort to wright more-

Enjoy this pagee! 

--last time--

 she remembers something to use her phone had a Tracker in it, and the teacher took her phone...

--present time--

(chapter name: The tracker )

Hannah was excited but she needed to get herself and Amelia out of there quickly, she picked her up by the waist and began walking at a fast past. She got maybe seven minutes on the road then she felt like her legs could have fallen off so she stopped to take a break. she got to the road that leads to their houses which was a beneficial starting point but not even close to their homes. She attempted to get Amelia to get up, but it was no chance the floor falling had knocked her out cold. But then, Hannah saw her dad's car driving by she waved her hands in the air to get his attention.  

He did a U-turn and stopped by her she explained why had happened "Dad... Thank the gods you stopped by I don't think I could walk all the way there with Amelia. We made it to the school and went inside then the school exploded! of something since we were inside it the roof started to fall on us Amelia got knocked-out, so I started to walk back home!" 

 She said everything so fast she was not even sure if he understood. When they put Amelia in the back seat and he started to talk about it with her more deeply so she knew he understood what she said. She left out a lot of the details just to make sure he did not have a heart attack, Hannah was so appreciative that he had taken the car! When they had gotten home she laid Amelia on her bed and waited for 14 minutes in quietness sitting by Amelia.

Then she remembered the Tracker on Amelia's phone, she left her house and entered Amelia's house with the key under the rug. she said hi to Amelia's dad and said Amelias needed something from her room and went to go get it. she grabbed the little screen which gave the address where the phone was at, and the last time it had been opened.

She ran back to her house appreciating Amelia's dad, she was shocked he did not question why Amelia was not here only she was. when she made it back to her room Amelia was conscious! Hannah explained what happened after the floor above had fallen on her.

When Hannah finally stopped talking Amelia said some crucial information "You know when the floor fell on me?" Hannah nodded Amelia continued "On the upper floor I saw the figure they were stuck on the roof... I've was thinking before you came that...Maybe it was a... one-way mission, like that they were going in but not going out... "

Hannah thought of something and thinking saying everything out loud...

That's all because I'm tired and need some sleep because I have not slept for the past 2 days bye-

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That's all because I'm tired and need some sleep because I have not slept for the past 2 days bye-

Words: 574

Time took :1 hour (around

People that helped: @318Unicorns

Page published on : 9:58 PM 11/30/2020

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