First shift draco stories bc I forget to update

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Ok so yes I have shifted before. Here are some stories of Draco!

So I first "met" (saw him once shifted) him while I was eating at the great hall. I was minding my own business and he kept like looking at me ig? Idk but anyway while I was like looking around taking it all in he was just like staring at me. So out of my own two Sense I looked behind me to see if he was like looking at someone else but I was sure it was me. Now keep in mind I have never talked to him really. So after I was done eating, he comes up to me and pulls me out of the hall and pushes me against the wall. Not in a cute way, but I was still like 😳. He was like so mad at me bc I forgot to meet with him last night. So I was like ohhh sry? And he liked mumbled something and walked away. So later that night I'm in my dorm room (I don't share with anyone) and HE OPENS MY DOOR AND BARGES IN. Like privacy please? He in like sweats and a sweat shirt and just like plops on my bed and goes whatcha doing? In like you know that tone? Idk anyway, I was like stuff. (Also I'm a griffendor so idk how he got in) he grabs me by my arm and I'm like bro? We go to the kitchen and he gets COOKIES! So we go outside in like the courtyard and eat cookies and just like talk🥺 it was really cute. So yeah.

Ok here's another one. I think imma do like two per chapter per day? Idk

So I was by like my dorm door walking out cuz I wanted a snack. It was like after school. Anyways I run into him like literally walk into him. He was mad but I was like sorry! Then I saw Harry walking towards me and he has a crush on me if you read the last chapter, and Draco kinda knew this? Actually idk if he did. Anyways Harry came up to me and was like hey do you wanna go to hogsmeade with me later? I said yes ofc and Draco before oh wait I don't edit these sorry. I forgot Draco started saying something before Harry came up to me. Anyway I said yes yada yada yada. I then after Harry left, I was like what were you going to say? And he like Blushed and said n-nothing sorry... ok? I did not script who had/has a crush on me so this is kinda making me the he has a crush on me? Uhh idk what to do cuz I like Harry and him now so wish me luck next I
Time I shift. I'm trying to think if there is more story's I like of him.

Ok I like to bless you all so imma post the second time I shifted with Draco stories right after this chapter. Love ya ❤️

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