filler pt.2

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"hurry hurry, try them on", wooyoung rushed his boyfriend to a mirror and shoved the fake horns to him. "wait, i forgot the contacts."

wooyoung searched around for the red contact lenses for a great 5 minutes before he found them fron under the table.

"the fuck are they doing here....anyways, here you go."

san took the contacts from the other boy and looked at them with confusion as he's never used them before. he looked back and forth between wooyoung and the contact lenses, asking for help.

"gosh you're so helpless", wooyoung chuckled as he opened the small container. he carefully took one of the lenses on his finger.

"now stay still, i don't wanna stab you in the eye with my finger", he whispered as he tried to put the lenses on without hurting san.

"blink so it sits better. does it hurt?" wooyoung asked and admired the new red color on his boyfriend's eyes. it really did suit him, just like he thought.

"no not really, it just feels uncomfortable", san mumbled and rubbed his eyes. he turned around to look in the mirror and gasped.

"wow you were right, i really do look good", he said with a cocky smile on his face.

"yeah whatever..put on the horns! i wanna see the complete look." wooyoung took the horns from san and put them on his boyfriend's head. they were quite long and pointy, black and red colored.

"wow damn, you'd almost pass as an actual demon with these and your naturally sharp features..." he said, eyes glued on san.

"we just gotta add some fake blood to top off the look.." he added and adjusted san's shirt collar with a smile on his face.

san grabbed wooyoung around his waist and answered to his smile with an even wider one. "you're really enjoying this, now aren't you."

"yeah, perhaps a bit too much", he answered and inhaled the sweet scent from san's neck. he placed small kisses around his boyfriend's neck, getting a small slap on the back from the other.

"you're really doing this while i'm right here, looking like this. ain't it a bit too dangerous for you..?" san asked with that same cocky smile back on his face.

"dangerous, my ass.. we'll see who's the dangerous one here", wooyoung said, dragging his boyfriend with him to his room.

the d-day was finally there, the day of the party. wooyoung was actually rather nervous than excited. he was definitely excited to see everyone in their costumes, but the crowd, the amount of people coming there. it creeped him out.

"i can sense 10 miles away that you're anxious about this", san laughed and grabbed wooyoung's shoulders.

"but it's gonna be fine, i promise. i'm there with you. and so is everybody else, so don't stress it, okay? it's just another goddamn party", he smiled fondly at his boyfriend and placed a small kiss on the latter's forehead.

"yeah, i know. it's so dumb of me to be so stressed over a party", wooyoung said and rested his head on san's shoulder. they stayed like that for a couple of minutes before the younger one raised his head and clapped his hands.

"let's get ready, i wanna get there before all the other people."

wooyoung had ended up buying small devil horns instead of the angel costume. that way he would match with san, and they both came to the conclusion that the devil outfit looked better on him.

"hey, let's put some fake blood on your face", wooyoung said and grabbed san's face with one hand, the other trying to make the blood splatters on his face.

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