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T.W.: car crash

Roman woke up with a pounding in his head and empty coffee cups on his nightstand. He sighed heavily as he sat up in his and his husband's bed.

"Remington, I swear to the gods..." Roman grit his teeth.

There was a knock and his son, Patton, opened the door.

"Dad!" Patton smiled, "Papa said breakfast is ready!"

Roman smiled, "Alright Patt, go tell him I'll be down in a minute."

"Okays!" Patton ran in and hugged his dad before running back to the kitchen.

"Now where did they put that journal..." Roman mumbled to himself, "and our phone."

Roman got up and walked over to the desk, spotting said journal under yet another empty iced coffee cup. The man rolled his eyes as he picked up the small book.

"Let's see..." Roman sighed, opening the journal to the latest entry.

All that was on the page was a few green scribbles and a coffee stain.

"Ugh! Why can't they ever just follow directions!" Roman cried, tossing the journal back on the desk, "what day is it? Where's my phone?"

Roman searched around the desk for a few more moments before finding his near dead phone.

"Welp." Roman sighed, plugging in the phone, "I guess I'll just have to ask Virge."

With that, Roman went out to the kitchen.

There he found his husband, Virgil, making pancakes with their ten year old twins. Roman smiled as Logan poured another scoop of batter on the griddle.

"Good morning my wonderful family!" Roman laughed, picking up Logan and putting him on his shoulders.

"Dad! I have to make the pancakes!" Logan yelled, trying to get down.

Virgil laughed, "morning."

Roman squinted at his husband, "you're awfully smiley today, are you sure Thomas or Emile aren't floating around?"

Virgil rolled his eyes, "well are you done rapid switching like you were yesterday?"

Roman grimaced, "well that explains why my head hurts so much."

Virgil gave him a small smile, "go sit down, I'll bring you some breakfast."

Roman sighed and plopped down at the table, "do we have any Crofters?"

Logan perked up at the name of his favorite jelly, "yeah! Remus and I got a whole bunch yesterday!"

Roman looked at Virgil concerned, "please don't tell me Remus drove."

Virgil laughed, setting a plate of pancakes and Crofters in front of him, "He tried. I ended up driving."

"Thank the gods..." Roman sighed, "who else fronted yesterday?"

Virgil shrugged, "everyone except you and Prince."

"I'm so sorry." Roman said, "You had to deal with Remus and Janus on the same day."

"Lucky Remy fronted the most." Virgil chuckled.

"He got me coffee!" Patton giggled.

Roman sighed, "anyway, how have you been love?"

Virgil sat down next to his husband, "pretty good. Everyone's been quiet lately. Oh! Emile fronted for a bit when Remy was out."

"Emile told me more psychology stuff!" Logan grinned, "I want to be a psychologist like him!"

Patton nodded, "I wanna be an actor like Thomas and Prince!"

Roman felt his heart melt at how adorable his sons were being. He was happy that his alters got along well with them and that Patton and Logan loved both his and Virgil's systems.

"Okay you two," Virgil smiled, "time for school."

Patton and Logan nodded, taking their plates to the sink before running to grab their bags.

"And you have work." Virgil kissed his husband.

"Well the play isn't going to direct itself." Roman laughed.

"And if you don't hurry you're going to be late." Virgil laughed, "Remy doesn't set alarms, remember?"

Romans eyes widened, "Shit!"

"Have fun." Virgil waved as his husband ran around the house.

Once Roman had found everything, almost none of it was in the right spot, he managed to get out the door in time.

It was a nice day out. Early winter fog slowly clearing as the morning dawned over the roads. Roman sighed happily. He had a good life.

Roman was nearing the theater he worked at when it happened.




An oversized truck had turned to sharp and tipped over. The result was a several car pileup.

And Roman was right in the center.

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