Letter of Invitation

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My watch gave off a quick series of three beeps, alerting me of the time. I quickly saved my progress in my online tutorials and stretched. Astrology was interesting but after a couple hours of cramming greek myths into my head to help memorize the position of stars, I tended to feel the need for a nap. Luckily I had the perfect wake-up in the form of five adorable monsters running off the bus claiming to be starving.  I pushed the wheelie chair at my desk in and closed my laptop. I headed out toward the front door, rolling my neck and dodging toys more out of instinct than sensing.

The day was sunny and humid. It sprinkled last night, but the clouds hovering on the horizon still held a good amount of moisture waiting to be unleashed. I left the door open but kept the screen door shut.  The bugs were loving it today. Letting a small bit of my childishness out, I bunny hopped down the steps of our cement porch and landed with soft thud on my toes. I rushed across the lawn in my bare feet and checked the mailbox. The sound of the bus approaching made me look up. Sure enough, bus 3 was rolling on by. I waved and the bus driver and several kids waved back.

I reached into the white mailbox, pulling out several bills, a newsletter from the church we attended on Sunday mornings, and a slightly larger than average envelope made of a fancy silvery paper.

I flipped it over as I made my way back up to the front porch. The backside of the envelope was sealed with a maroon sticker, shaped like a shield from a family crest. The front side however was addressed to myself and this gave me pause. In the space for the return address it stated Silver Academy in an eloquent cursive handwriting.

"ALS!!!" I heard my name squealed as my only sister came racing toward me. Little Amanda turned seven in the spring and boasted to everyone she knew about being a first grader. She barreled toward me, her ginger hair pulled back into a pair of pigtails and held in place by pink ribbons. She loved pink and made sure I dressed her in something pink everyday. And now that pink bull was charging straight at me for one neck crushing hug.

I braced myself for the inevitable, and still she was able to knock me back on my butt. I hugged her back and let out a fake strangle cry so she would let go. My acting was awarded by another squeeze and then her biggest grin showing off two teeth missing from her bottom set. With an infectious giggle she jumped off me and rushed inside the door, letting the screen door slam back in place.

Next to reach me were the twins. Andrew and Ajax. They looked identical with their short ginger hair spiked just a bit in the front. At age eight, almost nine, the two of them were only ever concerned with finding ways to play and avoid work. I stood up, brushing off my bum, and waited for them to finally reach me.

They knew the drill and gave me a hug at the same time. Just to annoy them a bit I gave them a quick kiss to the top of their heads. They both let go with an "Ew gross" and ran inside. I heard the sounds of them chucking their shoes off followed by their feet pounding the floor as they raced to their room.

Last to reach me today was the baby of the family, Aaron. His ginger hair was a little long and shaggy but he said he liked it that way. He was always content when one of the girls in the family brushed and played with his head. I've even seen him come home from school with ponytails and braids all over his head. Apparently the girls in kindergarten class like playing with it as much as we do.

I gave him a big smile and held my arms out for a hug. He kept trudging along at his pace. He was never one for rushing, he always did things at his own pace.

When he was within arm's reach, I scooped him up and carried him inside. I held him up one arm under his bum and used my free hand to slip off his tiny tenner shoes. I dropped them in the pile by the door and tickled Aaron on the way to the couch. Amanda, who already spread out her homework on the coffee table, made room for us. Once I was seated, I let Aaron twist around and I helped him slip off his spiderman backpack.

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