Chapter 4

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Specklefire soared above the water, letting the wind push her up. Her feathers shone with the last of the summer sun, lighting her bright orange back. Look at me! Specklefire thought triumphantly. Admire my beautiful colors! She declared. I am beautiful. But as these thoughts raced through her mind, Specklefire could help but remember Kestrel. What a nice human. Specklefire thought. It's a shame she was so mad.

"Speck, come and hunt with us!" A pretty male kestrel, Cloudember, called. Cloudember was really cute, in Specklefire's opinion. He had beautiful gray wings, and his back was a soft red, like cherries. His eyes were bright.

"Coming!" Specklefire chirped back, joining a flock of kestrels, about to hunt. They flew as one, looking for their prey.

It wasn't long until Cloudember had caught a fat mouse, inviting Specklefire to eat with him. She crouched beside Cloudember, tearing into the mouse. It reminded Specklefire of the days she used to hunt with Kestrel, sharing the food. Was Kestrel doing alright? Specklefire wondered. How was she? Was she finding enough food? And Specklefire's mind was thrown into a torrent of worries.

"Specklefire?" Cloudember nudged her, noticing Specklefire not eating. "You alright?"

"No." Specklefire admitted. "I've been thinking about... Kestrel."

"She's the human that named you, right?" Cloudember confirmed.

"Yeah." Specklefire muttered. "I've been thinking... was I right to leave her?"

Cloudember stayed silent. "It was your decision." He said cautiously. Cloudember had taken a liking to the female bird, and he didn't want to insult her. In fact, Cloudember's name was inspired by Specklefire's.

"True." Specklefire sighed, her head hanging. "I'm worried about Kestrel. I don't think I should have left."

"I'm glad you came." Cloudember bursted out. "I mean, if I had never met you, I wouldn't have gotten such a good name. And I would have never known you."

Specklefire smiled, and began to eat again. "I'm glad I met you too." She said.

That night, as she cuddled with Cloudember, Specklefire couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

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