Chapter 1

11 3 1

"Hello, welcome to McDonald, how can I help you?"

Working at McDonald's is tougher than you probably thought. I'm speaking from experience. Being nice to other people is a real pain! Especially when they're rude to you. And in addition to that, I can't meet my idols here. Unlike my best friend, whose parents work in the cinema industry.

She often sends me pictures of her with a celebrity. Honestly, I'm jealous. Even if when I would meet them I'd probably make a fool of myself or be really mean. It's not my fault! I'm just so shy that when I talk to people I sound not interested. 

Anyway, that's not the point. If you're wondering why I'm working here if I don't like it, it's simple. Nowhere else wanted to hire me. Sure, I'm kinda confident with my look but I'm dense as fuck.

My best friend, whose name is [BSF/N], told me she'd find me a job with her that has to do with cinema, but right now, I still have to wait. And I'm BROKE!

How do you expect me to buy anime or k-pop merch when I have 10$ in total? I JUST CAN'T!

I'm maybe exaggerating a little. But that's fine, I overreact a lot in life. 

I'm currently sharing with [BSF/N] and knowing my money conditions, she agreed to pay a quarter instead of half of the whole price so it'd be easier for me to get money in time. I sometimes wish my life would be different. I hate the fact I have debts toward the person that means the most to me.

The cheap watch on my wrist emitted a small beep, announcing the end of my shift. It was now  18 PM, and I was hungry. My hands reached my pocket and took a small phone out of it. Every time I finish my shift, I text [BSF/N], it's a routine.


Hey, hey, hey! Are you able
to have dinner
with me tonight? ✨

Omfg I'm so sorry but something
came up! My parents want me
to help them with a small film.

Oh- Well it's fine I don't
need you anyway 🙄💅

I- Says the person who can't even pay
the bills by herself😀

You're the one who can't 😠

How's your job at McDonald
with low-salary doing 😙

Bitch- I'm out

You wouldn't leave you
love me too much


I bought some [F/F], it's in the fridge

I love you

That's kinda our relationship. We love to insult each other, but at the same time, I cannot live without her. She's one of the only people that were there to help me out with my money problems apart from my family. It's kind of because of her that I can live under a roof at night.

I was on my way to the apartment, the keys laying in my pockets ready to get used. From here to there, it was 15 minutes of walking. It's not that much, but I am not sportive at all so it takes me twice the same time.

It was chilly outside, which I didn't mind. My body was like, immune to cold. Well, not immune, but it didn't affect me a lot.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, my face hit a street lamp and I fell on my butt. Or what I thought was a street lamp. I lifted up my face to meet a hand ready to help me up and a face. A really beautiful one. I took the hand he was giving me and got back on my feet. But alas, I said something that I regretted right after.

"Huh... I'm sorry I bumped into you. At first, I thought you were a streetlamp so I didn't mind saying 'sorry' but then I realized it was a human and huh-


I... I guess you look really pretty?" 

It was more of a mumble than a real talk. My face derived a bright red realizing what I muttered and how I said it. Sure, there was nothing wrong with saying facts but the way I said it was embarrassing. Especially to a stranger.

Not bothering to say sorry, I ran in the opposite direction of where I was going, my cheek still full of blushing. Looking at the stranger's face wasn't something I did with attention after that, I just wanted to avoid the embarrassment. My mind was too focused on running to remember where I previously saw his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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