After the War Part 1

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(++++)Set Inbetween The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero, this just tells the story of Percy and Annabeth, sorry it's so long. (++++)

Percy glanced around the practice arena for some sign of Annabeth, she had skipped breakfast which was normal for a child of Athena but she had promised to practice with him later

"Practice" she had said "And then maybe get some lunch?" her eyes had twinkled deviously and he had spent most of the day looking forward to it.

"Are you looking for Annabeth?" He turned to see Malcolm of the Athena cabin standing behind him

"She's still in her cabin by the way" Malcolm added before he had time to answer "I don't think she's going to be sword fighting today." Percy raised his eyebrows,

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah shes fine," Malcolm assured him as he searched for a sword "You can check on her if you want" Percy thanked the boy and took off at a jog towards the Athena cabin. The inside was completely dark besides a reading light coming from Annabeth's bunk.

"Hey!" he called from the doorway "Can I come in?" the pile of blankets on her bed shifted to reveal a slightly dishevelled face

"Yeah, come in" she called back and he stepped over the threshold. Annabeth was sitting on her bead engrossed in some book about architecture, there was a blanket wrapped around her torso and her hair was smushed to one side as if she had fallen asleep. There were bags under her eyes but besides that, she looked fine.

"You okay?" Percy asked, sitting on the edge of her bed "Malcolm told me you wouldn't be at the arena today" She groaned

"Oh gods," She muttered, "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep and-"

"Hey, don't worry about it" Percy interrupted "I just came to make sure you were okay"

"Oh," She said, a little surprised, "Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night" Percy got the feeling she was lying to him but didn't press it,

"Do you want some company?" he asked, giving her a kiss

"Sure," She murmured, sliding over on the bed to make room for him "Would you read to me?"

"Wisegirl, you know I'm dyslexic"

"It's in ancient greek don't worry," She assured him, passing him the book "It doesn't matter where you start" So Percy began a chapter on the Athena Parthenos, he was sure she had already read it a hundred times before but it was interesting. About halfway through the chapter he heard a soft snoring and looked to see his girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside him. Her head rested softly on the pillows, grey eyes hidden behind closed eyelids and face framed by golden brown hair. Smiling to himself he gave her forehead a soft kiss and opened the book to keep reading. He wasn't sure he had ever read for fun in his life but in the Athena cabin, well it rubbed off on him. Engrossed in the story of how the Coliseum in Rome was built he was unaware of the passing time until a small groan shook him from the book. Beside him, Annabeth lay curled in a ball with her knees tucked tight to her chest and eyes squeezed shut.

"Uh, Wise girl?" he muttered, giving her shoulder a gently shake "you okay?" She gave a tight nod, the answer being undermined by another groan.

"I don't think you are," he said, trying a joke "I mean, uh most people don't groan like that when they're okay." He flashed her a smile that faded quickly as she groaned again,

"Percy" She muttered "Could you get something for me?" he nodded, a little unsure

"Uh yeah, what do you need?"

"Well" her face reddened slightly "Could you get some Midol from Clarrise?" his brain took a minute to process the information, realization dawned on him a moment later and he winced. What kind of boyfriend was he? Shouldn't he have realized sooner? A touch on his shoulder jerked him back to reality

"Now, would be a good time" Annabeth reminded him "I mean if its cool with you-"

"Of course I'll do it," he bent down to give her a quick kiss, "Isn't that what boyfriends are for?" offering a quick grin he sprinted from the cabin, Outside he made a beeline for cabin 5 earning some curious looks from the other campers. Outside the cabin he barley had to knock before the door was opened by a tall buff-looking black-haired guy

"Hey" he leaned against the doorframe in an attempt to look casual"Do you know where Clarrise is?"

"Whats it to you?" the boy grunted, "Don't you have better things to do?"

"Let him in Sherman" A voice sounded from the back of the cabin "This could be fun" he swallowed nervously as the boy begrudgingly step aside

"What do you want Punk?" Clarrise sneered at him from her bunk "You better not be wasting my time"

"No!" he quickly clarified "Actually I'm here to get something for Annabeth," she rolled her eyes at him, not bothering to hide the smirk that crossed her face

"Shes got you trained nicely doesn't she?" Clarrise winked, she turned to reach under her bed, pulling out a small bottle and a box labelled Tampax 

"She'll want these too" she explained as she tossed them the items, an even deadlier smirk crossed her face "Have fun walking back" he was going to ask what she meant but the tall boy grabbed his shoulders and pulled him ruffly out of the cabin

"Stay away punk" he sneered as the door slammed shut leaving Percy outside the god of wars cabin wondering if there would be any way to hide the box on the walk back to the Athena cabin. It was too big to shove under his shirt and the name was printed in big letters on each side. Why are you embarrassed? he asked himself Why can't you just do this for Annabeth? He thought about all the times they had been on quests together when Mother Nature had decided to visit, would he have brought her stuff then? Something told him he wouldn't have, Time to prove that wrong he thought and took a deep breath, setting out for the Athena cabin. A few campers saw him, some giggled or sneered or simply gave a secret smile. Lacy from the Aphrodite cabin came up to him just as he was about to go inside and shoved a bar of chocolate into his hand.

"Your so sweet" she giggled and darted away, Percy nodded a little mystified and re-entered cabin 6.

"Hey" Annabeth called sleepily as he deposited his findings on her bed "You got me Tampons?"

"Yeah, Uh Clarisse gave them to me" he glanced at her nervously, 

"I Love you" Annabeth murmured and to his surprise, she reached up and kissed him

"I-I I love you to Wisegirl" he stammered as she laid her head on his chest, he could feel her heartbeat and her soft breathing as her body relaxed.

"You better be telling the truth" she murmured into his chest and a smile spread across his face. If the hardest part of being a boyfriend was the periods than dating life was going to be awesome.

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