Heaven Can Wait (15x20 rewrite)

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There was so much noise.

The Empty just wanted to sleep, that's all. Since Jack exploded, the demons and the angels were talking so much. It had to stop, one way or another. So that's why the Empty quickly stood up from the throne.

«This has to stop.»

There were some angels and demons standing in a circle around something. They were murmuring something like "How's possibile? or "He can't be...", but the Empty didn't hear so well their words. Ruby noticed it and made a sign to the others.

«Don't talk» she said.

«What's happening?» the Empty asked. Uriel tried to cover that something, but the Empty was angry, so angry. They had to be quiet again, somehow. «Nothing» Uriel answered, but it was a damn lie. The Empty slowly moved them away to find that something over them.

But what the Empty found out almost ruined all the knowledge, the experience, the years of the kingdom. It was something the Empty hadn't seen before, like, ever. That something was someone. That something didn't not have the angel's Grace like it should have had.

«Castiel... What's happening to you?» the Empty asked, astonished. Castiel looked at Meg, or at least, at her face, looking for some empathy, but without finding any. He was all alone there, without Sam, Jack and most importantly, Dean. He didn't know what to do and it was terrifying. He looked at the Empty with fear, his blue eyes so dark, the Empty asked itself how he could even see. He seemed so lost. His hands were trembling, barely covered by the trench coat. It was like all the light he had came off him. «My powers... I'm losing them.»

And so the Empty thought: "If he's losing his powers, it means... Oh no, no, it can't happen! Nobody can know it! I just want to go back to sleep". But it was happening in the kingdom, so it was under its responsibility.

«We'll fix you» that's all the Empty said.

«What's happening to him?» Uriel asked, truly worried about Castiel.

«He's just sick.»

«I thought we were already dead.»

«You're angels, angels get constantly changings.»

«You're lying.»

The Empty just grabbed Castiel, taking him away from them.

«Am I sick?»

«If being dumb is a disease, then yes, you are.»

Castiel didn't already understand what was happening to him, but the Empty knew it so well. It had to hide him or God would have found that there was something weird. Someone who was not supposed to be there. Yeah, that was not his place anymore. Castiel tried to escape from the Empty's grip, but he was tired, like he hadn't the energy anymore to do something.

«What's happening to me? Just tell me! I can handle it! It can't happen something worse to me anymore» he said, with sadness in his voice. Thinking about Dean. About all the things he didn't tell him. His biggest regrets. Ruby was right: that was a really terrible place to spend the eternity in.

«You really wanna know? Well then, I'll explain it to you: you don't belong here anymore» the Empty said.

Castiel was surprised.

«W-why?» he asked, his heart beating faster. He still had it, it seemed.

«Because...» the Empty began to say, enjoying that moment, «you're turning into a human». Castiel looked at it with blank eyes.


He was getting human again.

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