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Ares' POV

I have never been one to dream of pleasant things, only nightmares seem to come when I close my eyes keeping me awake most nights. It is different tonight, as I lay in bed trying so desperately to keep my eyes open it feels as though sleep is calling to me. Suddenly sleep takes over. I am in a grassy plain and before me is a beautiful glowing figure floating above the ground, the moon goddess. I thought the old hag was done with me when she declared me mateless after she had realized she could no longer control me. She thought she could hurt me by taking away the one thing that is supposed to provide me with happiness. I however, do not care for a mate. 

"Luna" I growled out. "what do you want?" She looked at me sternly. 

"You know I can hear your thoughts Ares. I do not appreciate you calling me an old hag." she stated coldly. "No matter, I have some news for you." she says.

"well I thought it better than dusty old bitch." I ground out. "what is this news Luna? I am over this nightmare already." I said mockingly.

"I once thought that taking away your right to a mate would make you see the error of your ways, although it seems that you have not learned your lesson." she states matter of fact.

"What are you going on about?" I asked interrupting her.

"I was not sure what to do about your defiance however, I believe I have come up with a solution. I have decided to tie your soul to another and she will be-"

"No!" I interrupt her for the second time.

"Do not interrupt me again!" she yells. "She will be kind, smart, beautiful and most importantly she will be fierce, she will not take any of your shit Ares. She will come to you soon and you will know immediately who she is to you for I have made this bond stronger than any other. She will shine on all of your darkness for her name means light." She continues.

"Luna, I do not want nor need a mate, she will be a weakness that I do not need." I say. Luna stares at me for a second.

"She may be a weakness but she will also be your strength. You will not be able to deny her." Luna says fading away.

I shoot up from the bed gasping for air looking at my surroundings realizing I am back in my room. My eyes widen when the reality of her words hit me. She is giving me a mate but why? I narrow my eyes because I know why. She is trying to ruin me. "I have decided to tie your soul to another." her words repeat in my head over and over again. The stupid goddess of the moon thinks that I will see the error of my ways but she is wrong. 

I have started with the surrounding territories. Out of the four packs surrounding the Lunar Pack, I have already taken over three of them. Clavius Pack, Stadius Pack, and the Maginus Pack. The next pack I plan to conquer is the Tycho Pack. Nothing will stop me from getting what I want, not even my soulmate.


Fun Fact all of the names of the packs in this story besides the Lunar pack are names of craters on the moon. If you enjoyed this short prologue please make sure to give it a like. Thank you :)

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