Chapter one (Oliver's perspective)

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The screams seemed as if they were never ending, a shiver went down my spine. I could feel the pain and terror all around me. I was helpless, frozen in place as I watched innocent people being beaten to a pulp. Cries from children rang through the air, they became more distant and quieter, but not their parents cries. The children had been taken away so they won't have to witness what came next. I looked down to my feet to gain composure and nodded at my men. The next thing I know gunfire rings in the air, no one is left standing, all there is, is lifelessness.

       I sit up in my bed panting with sweat trickling down my face. Will it ever end? The nightmare that was a reality, the reality that makes me a despicable human being. I did it to protect my country, the ones I love, right? I want this war to be over. The war that has turned our past allies into enemies, the war that has taken everything from me, the war that has made me numb. The United Nations is no more, they dissolved 3 years ago, wow has it really been 3 years? After that, secrecy and acts of betrayal have been never ending. The economy has fallen apart. The world is more divided than it has ever been before.  America was known as a safe heaven for those who wanted better, now we kill just because you're not one of us. But who am I kidding it's like this in every country. It's hard to believe that the cause of all of this destruction was the downfall of world leaders. It started with the slow disappearances of presidents, prime minister's, and so on in each country. Everyone started accusing one other's country which led to anarchy. The only person left in power is CIA Director Mark Belen, who's location is undisclosed. I'm the only one left who's had immediate contact with him. I'm the best of the best, his right hand man. I haven't seen Mark in over a year, there have been no missions or assignments, just quiet, which is why I'm surprised he requested my immediate presence. He asked me to fly to Vermont, he never told me the exact location , only that he would have a car waiting for me at my so called home.
It's 3:45 am, go time is at 5:10. My go bag is ready, the small apartment I've been living in looks as if no one has ever been here. I'm a ghost.
It's 5:00 am now. I'm pacing the apartment ready to get out of this hell hole. Finally a Black sedan sits out on the abandoned street. As I leave the apartment I check behind my back to make sure I'm alone. The whole building is vacant so there was a low chance of me seeing anyone. I get in the car, neither the driver or I says a word. The car pulls up to a small field with a sliver jet sitting on it. As I walk to the Jet I get a nod from 2 men who are unidentifiable due to their ski masks, but they know me.
"Agent Oliver, it's a pleasure to meet you sir"
I nod and get on the plane, niceties are something I do not have time for.
The plane ride lasts about 4 hours. I'm surprised to see we are not landing on an airstrip but another field. After the horrendous landing someone leads me to a huge darkly colored house. This is Director Mark's home. I walk confidently inside, I can't show any signs of weakness that applies to how I walk too.
I walk upstairs to an office after looking around for several minutes and see a white haired man sitting in a large chair.
"Oliver! Good to see you."
"Nice to see you to sir."
"Alright Let me get right to the point son." After 3 years we think we finally found the bastard."
"Excuse me sir, found who"
"The person who caused this mess, the person that can lead us to the ones who single handedly destroyed the world."
He slides me a file. I open it, all that lays inside is a single piece of paper with a short description of someone.
"He goes by Dead Shot. All we know is that he is a MI6 ghost operative and where he is now. I know it's not much but I trust you can find him."
"But sir this is barely anything."
" You will be briefed once you're on a plane to Dubai. You will be provided with everything you need and more. We have your aliases, passports, firearms, everything ready. You're leaving immediately that's an order."
" Who's on my team"
"Oliver there is no team. We can't draw any attention, where you're headed is dangerous, you're on your own. I have tremendous faith in you."
It sounded like I was just sent to my death, I thought to myself.
"Your mission is to extract the target and head to a safe house near your location. We need you to get any information you can on where they are keeping Mr. President and any other world leaders the target has knowledge of. Once the interrogation is complete, terminate him."
"That sounds easy enough but we don't even know what he looks like, how am I supposed to find him?"
" There will be a meeting at the Burj Khalifa between the target and arms dealer Brenton Madoff. You will be briefed on him as well. Once the meeting is in order start an ambush. Can I trust you can handle this?"
"Yes sir."
"Godspeed Agent Oliver and have a safe flight."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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