Chapter 2

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 This came as a shock to each of us, we had just seen Alby yesterday in class. He seemed fine to me; he was up to his usual antics of pranks. yesterday's prank was bending all of the scissors that the art teacher kept. "That's impossible, Alby was fine yesterday!" Uday spoke up. Lada tapped me on the shoulder to translate, "Lada says: does silver tongue always come on that fast? He never said anything about feeling ill before."

The head mistress came around from her desk and beaconed us to come closer. She pulled each of us into a big group hug. She was like a mother to all of us students always there when we needed her help or advice, but still was able to keep some sort of authority over the school. "Silver tongue is an interesting disease, sometimes it comes on really fast other times it's a gradual process." she let us all go and gave a sad smile "Now you all have some chores I must ask you to still finish, oh and boys, Don't go into Alby's room until its cleaned"

The head mistress walked us to her door and said one final goodbye before we started back to the mess hall. "She still treats us like kids" June mumbled under his breath. The twins both punched him in the shoulder "Be glad that we have someone who cares about us at all" Udom said while June rubbed his shoulder. I looked over to see if Lada was trying to understand their conversation at all. But she wasn't there. I looked around our group until I saw her just a bit behind us deep in her own thoughts.

The boys went on ahead while I waited. Lada looked up and smiled reassuring me that she was alright. I sent Lada on ahead to our room and peeked into the mess hall to see our table had been cleared so I went to the end of the wing to get our laundry. I actually quite like to do the laundry. We normally have to use two people for it because there's a basket for each of us but having the ability of Psychokinesis I can do it on my own. I put our clan clothes into the designated baskets, picked up one and focused on the other, lifting it just high enough off the ground to follow me to our dorm.

Some would call this cheating because I could use my mind to just bring me whatever I wanted. Take a towel for example, if I was sitting on my bed and spilt something I could just use my ability to bring it to me. Yet I don't do that, I was always taught how to use my ability but told that I shouldn't get lazy because of it.

When I entered our dorm room Lada had the music player on the floor and was dancing around the room. I once asked her how she was able to dance when she couldn't hear and she told me that she felt the vibrations through her feet or her chest if the music was loud enough. Lada turned when I sat her basket with a bang on the floor and sighed before taking it to her dresser. We began to clean the room picking up our shoes and gym clothes from the day before, putting our clean towels in the bathroom and cleaning the bathroom. Lada stood quickly and went over to the door and opened it startling the boys about to knock on it.

"It's suspicious" The twins said in unison, to be honest they always creeped me out when they did that. Lada waved her hand to continue as she sat on my bed messing up the once neat sheets. "Alby" they said again. I was tapped on the shoulder and turned to translate. "She wants to know: What's so suspicious about it, like Ma'am said it can be gradual or sudden" June just flopped onto the beanbag chair in the corner of the room and took my game boy seeming not to really care. I don't blame him though, Alby and June never really got along. 

"Uday brought it to my attention, even if he did get sick suddenly he wouldn't die right away, it would be a couple days at least of suffering before he did." Udom pointed out. now that he had mentioned it he was right I had never met a student who died right away, and the fact that Alby was perfectly healthy the day before automatically raised some red flags. "Either way, Maybe he was already sick and was pretending to be fine, you know how Alby was, Never showed a moments weakness" I said taking the game boy from June and hiding it in my underwear drawer. I got hit in the back with a stuffed animal, Obviously Lada angry that she couldn't read my lips because I turned away. Apologising I repeated what I said into RSL. 

"Either way, I agree with Uday and Udom. I may not have liked him but he was still apart of our group. Don't you think he would have at least told the Twins that he wasn't feeling well" I turned the twins nodded their heads mumbling something about being smart. As much as I wanted to believe that Alby was still alive silver tounge  was deadly and if he wasn't dead now he would be within the next couple days. "I've never had a reason to not believe anything the head mistress says, has she ever lied to us before?" everyone shook their head no to my question. 

"Exactly, how about we play a game to get our minds off everything?" I asked and pulled a box from under my bed. everyone sat in a circle and we played a game that we invented called guess the ability. Even though we were playing a game my mind couldn't help but wander and question what the boys had said. 

Word count: 1007

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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