A sample piece

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(This is a sample of what to expect from my writing, I'm making this because I myself have delved into a book after searching this app/site, only to be slightly dissatisfied with the subpar writing. No offense to anyone.)
"Woo-hoo!!!" She yelled, sticking her head out over the side of the old convertible her Best friend was driving, the feeling of the cold wind blowing onto her face, and past her ears, causing her hair to go everywhere, she cherished every second of it.

Riiiiiight up until they hit a stop light, Of course, making her fall back into the car with a squeak of the leather on the seat. " I told you that you should sit back down!" (B/F/N) Said in between Their Fit of laughter, sounding like an as (Y/N) would call it, 'Drowning Rhinoceros. "Oh, shut it! It's nothing compared to when milk spewed out of your nose in front of My cousin!" She said, playfully, Starting to giggle at just the slightly faded memory.
"I still don't understand why you have a crush on him, have seen the way he eats?! It's Gross!" She said, feeling the car start to move again, they're going to visit her aunt and uncle in New Orleans, she went every other summer to see them, occasionally bringing (B/F/N) from time to time, this is one of those times, due to said friend constantly bugging her about it until she had enough and caved in to their request.

They finally got to New Orleans after a somewhat long drive, deciding to stop and take a break to stretch their legs out for a bit, they parked the car before making sure to put the hood up on the convertible.
They both got out of the car and shut it with a small, yet slightly irritating slam of the car doors, "So, where should we head to first? All that driving made me kinda hungry!" (Y/N) said, lightly poking herself in the stomach, "You say that like you were the one driving, (Y/N)!" Said (B/F/N) with a chuckle at their friend.
"Ooh! How about that really nice Diner place we went to a while back? I think they may still be doing that breakfast discount on pancakes!" (Y/N) said, feeling her stomach quietly growl at the thought.
"Right! I forgot about that place, their sausages are amazing! And now that you mention it, I am quite hungry." (B/F/N) said, agreeing with the idea, since it was nearby they decided to walk there, further using the excuse of stretching their legs to do so.
They finally get to the building, it being slightly small for a restaurant, the owners most likely not expecting a lot of people to come there, or they just took whatever building they could get within their price range, the calming look of the blue painted bricks, white roof and outlined Windows giving them a relaxed and peaceful feeling.
(Y/N) opened the door of the small diner, a cute  little bell rang out as she opened it, alerting the employees and the few other people in the shop of their presence.
They sat down at a comfortable booth, the tables being a calm cloud white color, going well with the purple walls, accented by the birchwood trim that came up to just under the table.
A waitress walked up to them, her black flats lightly clicking across the wooden floor, She handed them one menu each before smiling at them and walking off in favor of doing something to let them wait. They sat in comfortable silence as they looked at the menus, eventually deciding on what to get and sitting their menus down, waiting for the waitress to come back.
The clicking of shoes getting closer shot them out of their daze as they looked towards the waitress. "Have you two decided what to order yet?" She asked, pen and notepad out and at the ready.
"Um, I'll have the Blueberry pancakes, and a lemonade please." (B/F/N) said, handing their menu back to the waitress. "And you?" The waitress asked, looking to (Y/N). "I'll have (F/B/F) And (F/D), please." She said giving a small smile to the waitress as she copied Her friend's action of handing the waitress her menu.

(I know it's a sort of cliffhanger and kinda stupid, but I hope it gave you the low down on my writing skills, (B/F/N) Means best friend's name, (F/B/F) Means favorite breakfast food, and (F/D) Means favorite drink. I hope you likely this test piece of my writing!! I thought of a funny, fluffy Keigo Takami one shot that I might be working on, and I have a Charles Jones one shot already in the works, you know how Sam came to work in a different get-up than usual and Charles had to give her his shirt? It's like that, but instead of Samara, it's you! I need to find that chapter of it for reference though, and I'm having a really hard time finding it! If you're still reading, thank you for sitting through this after note, and I hope you have a great day/night/evening!)

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