Chapter 1~ The first time we met

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Today was your first day at Aoba Johsai High and as you were walking into you classroom you saw... him. He was talking to his friends. His name was Bob also known as oikawa's ear. He made you feel like no body else did. You seen him on tik tok a few times you may have even stalked him just a little bit on tik tok to. Every time you seen one of his videos or a video about him it made your heart melt instantly, but you never would have thought you would ever get to meet him! 

" Good morning students! " the teacher said. Bob stopped talking to his friends and turned around. His ear wax sparkled like stars in the night sky. " Today we have a new student their name is y/n!" "Would anyone want to show her around the school? " Bob raised his earbud and said that he would show you around.  You began to blush a little when he said that but you tried not to show it. 

"You ready to go y/n"

He startled you when you heard how deep and manly his voice was.

"I'm ready for anything Bob" 

You both smile and bob looked like he blushed a little to. 

You guys start walking around. Bob starts to show you where everything is and you guys talk about your favorite foods and stuff like that. 

"This is the river right here. Isn't it beautiful!" Bob says with the reflection of the water in his beautiful ear wax. 

" Yes it's so beautif- AHHHH" 

You slipped and fell into the water. Bob tried catching you but he fell into the water to and now he's hovering right above you....

The love between an ear and a human Oikawa's ear x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora