Chapter 19

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Rivers POV


It's been 4 days since the bonfire and Kassie hasn't felt good. She sleeps all day and eats a lot when shes awake. She throws up anything she eats and she looks miserable. She's been like this for the past 3 days. I feel horrible. I'm not really sure what to do. If she isn't better by tonight, I'm gonna take her down to Johns place and see if they can find out anything. Amanda used to be a nurse. Kassie starts stirring and soon, she sits up and starts throwing up in the trash can beside the bed. I hold her hair back while she pukes. Once, shes done, she lies back and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry.." I say. She shakes her head. "It's not your fault. I must've got a cold outside or something.." She says. I grab a wet wipe and wipe her face, cooling her down. "I'm hungry again.." She says. "I can't keep anything down though.." She says. "I know... I'll go look for something.." I say. She nods. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I get her some Tylenol and some crackers and a water. I bring it to her and she takes the Tylenol and eats on the crackers. After about 20 minutes, she falls asleep, curled into a ball. I close my eyes and snuggle into her back. Soon we're both sleeping.


Around 7:45pm Kassie wakes up and throws up again. I hold her hair back and let her finish. I wipe her mouth and face. She looks exhausted.

Kassie's POV


I feel horrible. I can't eat without puking and all I want to do is eat. I feel so weak, my body doesn't want to move. River has helped a lot. He's got me medicine and food for the past 3 days. Nothings helped. I thrown up again and River cooled me off again. "I'm gonna take you over to Johns. Amanda is a trained nurse. She should be able to figure out whats wrong with you and fix it. Is that okay?" River asks. "At this point, I don't care. I'm hungry and sick. If she can help me keep food down, I'd love it." I say. "Okay, I'll carry you to the car and you can get a bag just in case. We'll head down there. I'll just call him the make sure they're home.." River says, saying 'him' referring to John. I nod and lay back. God, I feel awful. "Hey.... No, Kassie hasn't felt good, is Amanda there?.... Yeah.... Yeah, tonight...... Okay thanks. See you soon.... Okay. Bye." River says before hanging up. "Okay. Lets go.." River says. He picks me up and I grab a bag on our way out. He sits me in the passenger seat of his car and turns the air on. He drives and I fall asleep.


"Kassie.. I'm gonna carry you, okay? Try not to throw up on me.." River says. I nod and River picks me up. He carries me and I can tell when we get inside. I feel the warmth of the house. "Hey." River says. I can't tell who he's talking to until I hear Johns voice. "Hey, you can lie her on the couch or a bed. Amanda is coming home. She had to go to the store." John says. I feel River turn and start walking. He sits on the couch and lies me in his lap. He plays with my hair while I fall asleep again...

 He plays with my hair while I fall asleep again

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"Kassie, honey. Can you wake up for a minute?" I hear Amanda's voice ask. I nod and push myself to a somewhat sitting position in River's lap. "How do you feel?" Amanda asks. "Horrible" I reply. "So, you can't keep food down?" She asks. I shake my head. She nods. "How long has she been like this?" Amanda asks River. "Three days.." He replies. "Why didn't you call sooner? She looks weak and miserable.." Amanda says. "I thought she'd get better. It's only getting worse. She can't eat and shes so tired." River says. Amanda sighs. "Well, I'm not sure whats wrong yet, but I can run some tests and find out if you'd like..?" Amanda says. River looks at me and I nod. "Okay. I'll just do a few blood tests.." Amanda says.

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