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Sean POV

Johnny turned up the music a notch so we could hear the music over Mary and Sarah's loud (and snobby) conversation. Gabriel and Derek talked quietly about the party we were going to. It was Dante Whites annual ball and everyone who had a lot of green was invited.

Mary and Sarah soon were talking over the music and sense i was in the same place with them I was tuned in as well.

"I got a new maid yesterday-" Sarah immediately cut her off, for some reason she had an obsession with maids.

"Really?! Is she a gold digger?!"

"No, shes actually very nice, she did my hair, my nails, and she ironed my dress."

"Is that why it looks pinker then usual?" Sarah felt on the soft ironed cloth of the dress. Her long ugly fingers glided up and down the dress. "Its beautiful."

"Thanks Darlin, your dress is too. Lookin' like a Magnolian maid."

Before Sarah could answer back we arrived at the party. Lots of people were dancing in their fancy dresses and expensive tux. We all got out of Johnny's car and walked down the sidewalk to the outside 'end of summer' party. I adjusted the tie on my white button down collar shirt as I walked. Sarah was always at my side of course, while Mary held Johnny's arm. Derek and Gabriel stayed back to talk to 2 other girls from a different town.

Right after we walked in we were ambushed by Sarah and Mary's friends. Each of them looked the same with blonde or brown hair, blue eyes and lots of makeup.

Johnny and I shared a knowing look and walked to the bar. A black bartender around his 50's was making manhattans and pouring wine in wine glasses. Even though Johnny and I were only 17, our parents spoiled us with drinks so we were used to the feeling of sittin' at a bar. He looked at us questionably but didn't push it and poured 2 manhattans. Then he smiled, and leaned down on the counter.

"Ya'll havin' a good evenin'?" Johnny smiled genuinely like he always did at people he liked.

"Yeah, its a nice party as always." Johnny sipped his drink and looked at the crowd of people dancing.

When the bartender turned to me I shrugged. "I feel like I don' belong here, all these people are happy and havin' fun while I'm jus, here."
The bartender stared at me for awhile, seeing something no one else saw. Then he turned away to make someone elses drink. Johnny left the bar to dance with Shirley Johnson.

I stared out to the twinkling stars hoping this party would be over soon, my fingers slid around the glass of my drink feeling the brisk chill from the cold drink. The bartender came back to me this time a bit suspicious. He leaned in close to my ear and whispered a few things. My eyes widened the more he told me things. When he finished talking, as normal as I could I slipped out of my chair and walked out the yard.

People were still walking into the yard so I blended in easily. When I was far enough from the house i started to run. My track legs kicked in as I ran up n' down streets. Soon I was in the city of New Orleans. Next I ran up a few more streets until I came to a house. A big ol' house. 3 floors with fancy white and big windows. This is where the bartender told me to go.

I stepped onto the porch and rung the doorbell. From outside seemed like just a regular party. But if a black man tell you theres a party, then somethin' mus' be up. I rang the doorbell again, this time the music stopped and all the lights were turned off. Someone opened the door only crack, so I could see their skin color and eyes. They were black.


Her voice was harsh and demanding. I shrugged and told her what happened at the party.

"Ohh, Papa Oddey told you to come here?"

"I guess, "

"Well in that case come on in."

She took the chain off the door and opened the door only an inch wider. She grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me inside the house. Sweaty bodies surrounded me making me back into the wall. She locked the door and put the chain back. A boy in the corner plugged in the lamps and the room lit up. Everyone was surprised to see a white boi there. I would too if I was black.

I walked past more of the sweaty bodies and into the living room where black people and white people sat. The music eased into the air as they started their conversations again. People quit noticing me and danced with each other. There movements were seducing and seductive. No dancing Ive ever seen before. But what was most surprising was that it was white people and black people dancing together.

I leaned against the wall taking in the view. Never in my life have I thought seeing this before. This could be a change in history.
My hands started to get sweaty just thinking about it. Suddenly I felt a presence next to me and turned. A girl about 5'6 stood next to me watching the scenery before us. Her thick curls drooped to her waist , while a part of hair was tied back where a blue bow was clipped. Her blue dress matched the bow perfectly. All I needed to see was her face, that was the main thing I was looking for.

But before I could seen anything, there was a loud bang and boom through a window near the front door. Police.

I went to grab the girls hand but she was gone. I looked around the rooms for her but she was nowhere to be found. After giving up, I left through the back door of the house like everyone else did, and ran home. It was an hour away, so I took my time. There was nobody outside this time of night. Just sirens and the sounds of busy streets around the way..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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