Chapter 8.

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~Sophie's POV~
We finished eating and it was about 8:30 now. Chris had about 3-4 tacos, Crawford had 3, Luke had 3, Lexi had 3, and I had 2. I wasn't really that hungry. We all threw away our plates and decided to watch a movie. We all went in the living room and figured out a movie to watch. We decided to watch 'Little Man' so we could laugh a little.
About halfway through the movie I got a little tiered.
"Stand up for a second" Luke said and I did. He laid down and told me to lay in front of him. I laid down and he wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck.
"Goodnight babe" he whispered and I smiled.
"Goodnight" I said
"I love you"
"I love you too" I said. I looked over at Chris as he watched me and luke. He looked sad but I just shook it off. I put my hand on top of Luke's and closed my eyes.
I woke up to spongebob playing on the tv. Luke wasn't behind me anymore. Chris wasn't here either. Lexi left a note saying she went to her room. Crawford was on the floor sleeping in a really weird position. I stood up, making sure not to wake CRAWFORD who was on the floor right in front of me. I stepped over him and walked over to Luke's room. His door was shut so I knocked. There was no answer so I opened it slowly. Luke was laying there sleeping. He looked so cute. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead. I rubbed his shoulder as he slept. I felt him grab my hand and I got pulled on top of him. I was now holding his arms next to his head. He smiled as I looked at him.
"Good morning babe" he said and I smiled.
"Morning" I said pecking his lips.
"Oh come on is that all I'm gonna get?" He asked and I chuckled. I kissed his lips gently but meaningful. I pulled away and laid on his chest. He held my hand and rubbed my back with the other hand. We just laid there for a while until Chris walked in.
"Sorry to bother you love birds over here but I'm starving" Chris said
"Yeah I'm a little hungry too" I said getting up. I held my hand out for Luke to grab. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked to the kitchen and looked for something to make. We decided to make pancakes so we started to cook. We got all the stuff and decided to make bacon with it. I was watching 2 pancakes on the pan when I felt arms wrap around my waist and I got picked up and thrown over their shoulder. I noticed who it was and already knew what he was going to do.
"CRAWFORD DONT YOU DARE" I yelled as Crawford ran outside. It was snowing so it was really cold out. I was wearing a pair of Luke's basketball shorts and a tanktop. Crawford ran over to the pool and threw me in. I went under and quickly floated back up. When I wiped my eyes I noticed that Chris was recording me.
"Hey Chris?" I asked
"Yea?" He asked nervously. I slowly walked over to him as he moved back a little. I got about 5 feet away from as until I started running after him. He dropped his phone as I chased him around the snowy yard. I eventually caught up to him and jumped on his back. He tripped a little but didn't fall.
"Wow you weigh like nothing" Chris said
"Yeah sure okay" I said
"Seriously" he said walking back inside. Crawford, luke, and Lexi, were sitting at the table waiting for me and chris.
"I'm gonna get you back" I said to Crawford as Luke handed me a towel. I dried off and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt Luke gave me. I sat at the table next to Luke and Chris and we started eating.
When we finished eating we agreed that we were going to go to a museum of like really cool sculptures and 3d printings and stff. I changed into black jeggings, a shirt that had the 'All Time Low' logo on it, black converse, and my hair was in a highish ponytail. Everyone else got dressed and we took lexi's car. We drove to the museum and walked in. We had to pay so we all paid for ourselves to get in. We got a little stamp on our hands and we started looking around. We were walking into the 3d printer room and we looked at some of the sculptures. We were able to make a sculpture ourselves so we looked at some of the choices. We decided on a flower that was blue and white. We watched it as it printed. When it finished Luke took it out of the little printer box thing. He held it and bowed down.
"For my beautiful girlfriend" he said handing me the rose. I took it as he stood up.
"Thank you" I said kissing him. We walked out and decided to go to this theater type thing showing us random things about how some of the stuff here works. While we walked, I laid my head on Luke's shoulder and held his hand. he put his arm around the back of my neck as we continued to walk. I looked at Chris next to me and he looked really sad. Out of everyone I met at playlist live, Chris is the one I bonded the most with. He was my best friend. He looked really sad and I couldn't ignore my best friend being like that anymore. I walked over to him and stood in front of him stopping him from walking. He looked up at me with a confused look.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and he nodded.
"We'll meet you guys there" I told Luke and he nodded. I walked over to a random wall and stood against it as Chris did the same.
"So what's up" Chris said putting all his fingers except for his thumb in his front pockets.
"What's up with you?" I asked
"What do you mean"
"You've been acting all sad and stuff" I said
"No I haven't"
"Yeah you have. And I really don't want to see my best friend sad" I said
"Am I really your best friend?" He asked in a kinda mad voice
"Yes you are" I said.
"If Im your best friend, why don't you ever hang out with me or do anything with me? Your always with Luke and I know lexi and Crawf have a little thing going on. I just feel invincible." He said with the same madish voice.
"Your not invincible Chris, your one of the best friends I've ever had" I said calmly. I was getting a little mad honestly.
"BECAUSE LUKE IS MY BOYFRIEND AND IF I WOULD EVER THINK OR PRETEND THAT YOU WERENT THERE I WOULD HATE YOU AND I AM NOWHERE NEAR HATING YOU CHRIS" I yelled back and people started staring. Chris turned towards my side and I turned towards him.
"YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS WRONG?" He asked and I nodded.
"Ple-" I was cut off by Chris' lips smashing into mine. I didn't even notice I started to kiss back until I heard Luke's voice.
"Sophie?" He said. His eyes were red and puffy.
"Luke, I'm so sorry. It meant nothing I promise" I said
"I'm sorry. I don't know if I can forgive you, we're over for now" Luke said as he walked away. I didn't notice the tear roll down my cheek until Chris wiped it off my face.
"I'm so sorry" Chris said putting his back against the wall and slid down it. I did the same and just put my face into my knees and sobbed.
"I'm really sorry" Chris said
"It's okay, it's not your fault" I said
"Yeah it is, I'm the one who kissed you"
"And I'm the one who kissed back" I said and he put his arm around my shoulder. I laid on his chest as he played with my .
. We stayed there for a while as I cried into his chest.
"Can I tell you something?" Chris asked and I sat up.
"Yeah what is it?" I asked
"Me and Luke kinda made a deal that since he is..was dating you, if I didn't try to hit on you he would set me up with a fan of his that he knows but it didn't work out so the bets off now" he said
"Oh did you" I said referring to what I heard him and Luke talking about on the plane when I was 'sleeping'.
"You knew about it didn't you" he said
"A little. When I was "sleeping" on the plane I over heard you and Luke talking and I was like what deal" I said
"Oh, yeah well now you know" he said laughing. I laughed along and went on my phone. I checked Twitter and followed a couple fans. I went on my time line and saw Luke's latest tweet.
'Hey guys I just wanted you to know that me and Sophie broke up. I'm just a little confuzled at the moment so just hang in there. I still do love Sophie but it's just a little complicated rn'
I looked at some of the comments and everyone was tagging me. Some of them were saying things like,
'Oh well she didn't deserve you anyway' or 'well she's stupid so who cares' or 'she's a slut anyway'
And then there were some nice ones that made me smile,
'I'm sorry luke. I'm sure she's sad also' or 'it's going to be okay Luke' or 'smile Luke you guys are going to be okay'
I retweeted some and I got a DM from a fan page of me.
"What happened with you and Luke" she said
"It's a long story I don't really wanna talk about it at the moment" I replied
"Oh I'm sorry. I hope you guys are okay" she said
"Thank you so much. and I hope so too, I really miss him😞" I replied
"He misses you too" she said sending me a conversation of her and Luke talking,
'Are you okay with the whole break up with sophie' the girl asked Luke
'Not really. I miss her a lot'
'What do you miss about her'
'I miss cuddling with her all night, and her long soft hair, and her voice and her hands and her face. Just everything about her'
'Aww' she replied
I smiled and I tear rolled down my cheek.
"He really misses you" Chris said
"Yeah" I said
"I wonder if they are ever going to come back" I said and Chris shrugged
"You wanna go look for them?" He asked and I nodded. We stood up and went to that thetre they went to. It was over and nobody was there. We walked around the museum until we found crawford and lexi but not luke. We walked over and Lexi ran and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry" she said
"No I should be sorry cause I am the one who kissed him back" I said
"Hey girl" crawford said hugging me. I hugged back and took off his snapback. I put it on backwards and put my phone in my pocket.
"Hey do you guys know where Luke went?" I asked and they shook their heads.
"He said he was going to go try to clear his mind and just walked away" Crawford said and I nodded.
"I'm gonna go find him" I said
"Want me to come?" Chris asked
"I don't think that's a good idea" I said
"Oh yeah..good luck" Chris said hugging me.
"Thanks" I said pulling away and waving. I walked around for a while until I found Luke sitting outside the guys bathroom. hid head was in his hand so I sat next to him. I put my arm around him and he looked up.
"Can I explain?" I asked and he nodded.
"I'm so so so so so sorry. Me and Chris were just talking and he just..yeah. I didn't even notice I was kissing him back. I was just so cought in the moment I just didn't even know what was happening. I love you Luke and that's never going to change" I said.
"I'm sorry for freaking on you. I just didn't understand. I love you too, so much and I don't know how to explain how I feel about you" he said
"Maybe you don't have to" I said. He smiled as I leaned in. I pressed my lips onto his as our lips moved in sync. We kissed for a while until it turned into a 5 minute make out session. I pulled away and smiled.
"Sophie, will you be my girlfriend..again" he said and I nodded. I hugged him tightly and stood up.
"Let's go back to everyone else" I said and he nodded. We walked hand in hand back to everyone else.
"Aww look who made up" lexi said and I smiled.
"I missed him" I said
"I missed you too" he said.

Hi is this chapter a little shorter then usual? I'm not sure so please comment!
How old are yall?(not tryna be creepy lol I just wanna know😂)
I'm 12😃

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