Awoken Chapter 1

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I wake in my bedroom, laying on my soft, small twin bed in the corner of my room. I'm still laying down with my head inclined slightly when, all of a sudden, a strong sense of vertigo washes over me.

Once my senses become stable again I scoot over to the edge of my small bed and plant my feet softly on the carpeted ground. I grab the edge of the soft bed in a firm grip between my fingers for extra emergency support, then began to add pressure to my feet, followed by my weight. I soon stand on my feet without much assistance from the bed.

I take slow, steady steps to the desk across the room that is completely cleared, per usual, except for an envelope, sealed with a wax emblem; what looks to be one black and one white wing and a halo with horns branching from the front. The design of the seal seems familiar but I can't remember for the life of me where I'd seen it before.

I hastily pick up the envelope and open the cover. Theres a crisp sheet of white paper neatly folded in the pouch, my name written on the front in a neat and fancy cursive. I pluck the note from the envelope and unfold the letter. It reads:

Dear Valerie,

I see you have awoken in this place and I must warn you, be careful. You were sent here for reasons that you will have to find out for yourself but I can tell you to look around; find others and supplies to survive. I'll give you a starting point but I'll only be able to help minimally from there. Go to the abandoned Train Station on Main Street. Theres other people in there.For now you're stuck in an eternal slumber but you can get out of it if you figure out this cage. Good luck on your journey, and I hope you succeed the trials

-The Keeper of Fortune

I was in shock. What is this place? Be careful? What does that mean? And there's others in here? Cage? Could it be some kind of sick joke? I thought these many things so quickly that I didn't notice the note floating gracefully towards the floor. The biggest question I had thought so far created itself in my head; Who am I? The note was on my desk and said Valerie, so maybe that's who I am? Yes; that's reasonable, clever, even.

I quickly picked up the note once again and pushed it roughly into the pocket of my baggy sweatshirt, running out of my room at the same time. I fly down the small set of stairs to the tiny hall closet and grab a backpack, followed by a flashlight and matches. I then head dover to the kitchen, across the hall from the closet, and grab some non-perishable foods and a couple fruits. I filled multiple canteens with water, then checked the blade of a sharp kitchen knife. I came to the conclusion that the knife was satisfactory and would work well in both combat and survival, then sheathed the weapon and held onto it tightly.

I ran around the house, grabbing other objects and items that would be useful on this unforeseen journey, packing as light as possible with as much as possible. I ended up grabbing towels, clothes, a flashlight, matches, canteens, a little bit of food, another knife and a gun from a, strangely, unlocked case in the closet, and finally deciding I had grabbed everything I would, hopefully, need.

I ran out the front door into the dark of night, wondering about what it was that this 'cage' had waiting for me.

(A/N: I know, I know. It's short, but I wanted to add a little bit. Thanks for reading!)

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