The beginning

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You just moved to LA and u already hate it, its is pretty and all but your friends are not here, the places you used to hangout at are not here and your old house is not here. You left your home few hours ago and you still miss it...You drive into your new neighbourhood, the car stops in front of this big house with a beautiful backyard, its very pretty but you are still not happy. When u get inside with all of your stuff you just go straight to what is suppose to be your new room. It feels so empty and no matter how big or pretty it is it will never be your old room.

After you woke up, you went to have breakfast and then remember that tomorrow its your first day of the new school, just thinking about it makes you upset...

-i know you are sad right now but you maybe find some good friends and new fun places, not everything is always bad- says your mom

-sure,mom-you reply and go back to your room

After being on social media for an hour you decide that your mom maybe is right...maybe you should try to have some fun. You put on your shoes and run downstairs,

-im going for a walk mom, i want to explore the neighbourhood

-um sure just be back for lunch- says your mom as you run through the door

The neighbourhood doesn't seem that bad, all the houses look the same but its nice, its for some reason very empty. You look around and see someone walking at the end of the street. Its probably one of our neighbours, you are not very bothered by them, but as you walk closer to them you realise its a boy that seems like is your age. He has style and all but he doesn't look like someone you would talk to, he looks like one of those rich kids who think the whole world is spinning around them...

-umm hey?-Says the boy.-My name is are new to the neighbourhood right?

-uh yeah...-you nod awkwardly and smile to seem nice, even tho you really didn't feel like smiling

-they told us that we are getting a new student tomorrow, this part of the city is small so i guess it's you, we will be in the same class-Says Tristan while looking you up and down-

At this point you are very annoyed by him, is he checking you out? Who does he think he is? He is probably one of the boys who were jocks but saw that girls like boys with style so he dressed up fancy and claims he has style....

-yeah i am the new student-You reply and walk away.

While you are walking away you look at the reflection of your phone and catch him looking at you, you just walk away....
He is kinda cute even tho he looks like a douchebag.

You go home and start picking out your outfit for the first day of school when you get an notification from instagram. Its this girl named Mint Chocolate Ice cream...she seems nice. She tells you that you are in the same class, and that you look cool. You reply with "thank you, you look cool too, do you want to go to the class together since i have no friends".She says yes. After all stuff didnt go that bad.

Its finally tomorrow and you start getting ready for school. You check your phone and see that the Tristan guy sent you a message on instagram

"Sorry that i looked so weird the other day, but you still didnt have to be rude..."
You jut leave him on seen, he is so annoying but looking at his pictures he looks like he gets a lot of girl and boys. For few seconds you imagine being in a relationship with him, it doesn't feel that bad, but you still dont like him of course.
You get your bags and head over to your school, you cant wait to meet new people but you are still very nervous.

Guys i am so sorry tor taking this too seriously, ik its very cringe 😀🤚

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