Chapter 9

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You woke up to tossing and turning and wake up to see Harry having a nightmare again he's been having so many and your worried for him "Harry wake up!" You say and then you slap him and he wakes up you had to do what you had to do

"Y/n?" He says and you kiss him

"It's ok it's a nightmare your fine." You say and he then hugs you tightly "Your ok harry." You say and he nods as he calms down

"I'm fine I'm ok but what time is it?" Harry asks and you then look outside

"We probably missed dinner that's all I'm gonna say." You say and Harry nods

"I'm sorry we shouldn't have fallen asleep." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah but we did so deal with it." You say and he kisses you and you kissed him back as he then laid his head down on you to try and go back to sleep as you play with his hair

|A few days later|

You were with Draco when he calls to Harry

"Why so tease Potter?" Draco says and you roll your eyes and felt embarrassed why is Draco like this? "My father and I have a bet, you see I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament. He disagrees of course he thinks you won't last five." Draco says and you sigh and then Harry started to get angry

"I don't give a damm what your father thinks, malfoy." Harry says pushing Draco a bit "He's vile and cruel and you're just as pathetic truly how do you have friends like y/n? You don't deserve someone like her she's amazing and way better then you." Harry says and then he walks off and you then go to follow him but stop when you see Draco reaching for his wand

"Draco don't—" you were about to say but then mad eye turned Draco into a ferret and you started laughing at Draco "Now Draco this is what you get for being a little brat. So what do we say? No not sniff sniff we say you a bitch." You say but then and mad eye walks over

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." He says "You stinking, cowardly, scummy." He says as Mcgonagall runs over

"Yes he's all those thinks but what the hell Draco is a student you can't use magic on a student! I get I was making jokes but this is kinda far." You say as Mcgonagall talks to mad eye and you grabbed Draco "look I get I tease him but he's my best friend what the hell! He may be a brat, mean, spoiled and stupid but what the hell." You say and Harry looks at you as he stops laughing now "Ya stupid ferret why you always have to get me to get you out of situations. I am not your mother no matter how many times I might act like one, you know what when you turn back go to your room." You say as you held the ferret up as people were gathered around laughing

"Y/n—" Harry starts but you don't wanna hear it right now

"You know what I kinda like Draco like this he's more quiet this has been the longest he's ever gonna without an opinion." You joke and Mcgonagall asks you to put him on the ground and you do and she turns him back

"My father will hear about this!" Draco yells as he runs off and you run after him

"Draco wait up! Look tell your mother not your father your mother will go full on mom mode hey ferret wait up!" You say as you chase him

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU STUPID GIRL!!!" Draco yells and you laugh

"You think you can insult me ferret?" You say and Draco then runs faster and you were laughing as you chase him yelling wait ferret at him

|Time Skip|

Today was the first task and you had went to the tent Harry was at and hug him "Please be safe Harry." You say and harry nods

"Yes darling I promise." He says and then a picture was taken of you both

"How sweet young love." Rita says and you tried to look confused

"We're just friends that's it." You says and Harry nods

"Yeah we are nothing is going on between us." Harry says and then you say you should get back to Draco before he starts whining again and Harry nods all he wanted to do was kiss you but he couldn't


Draco was confused why you wouldn't watch Harry with the dragon you cared for him? "Why you care for Harry so much?" Draco says and you look at him

"Uh we are friends and—" You were taking but Draco starts laughing after you said you and Harry friends you hit his head and then get up and move annoyed you can't say hey I'm dating Harry Potter no but you and Harry being friends is fine

*I hope he survives I swear this is giving me bad anxiety right now*

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