Part #15

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NickMayorga started a private chat with Y/N Y/L/N

NickMayorga: Y/N, I'm sorry if I over stepped the mark yesterday. You've made it perfectly clear how you feel about me but I just couldn't keep my feelings for you to myself for a moment longer. I've already kept them to myself for far too long. I hope that this doesn't spoil our friendship. I've really enjoyed catching back up with you these last few days and I don't want anything to ruin that. After all, I'd rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all.

Y/N Y/L/N: Hang on, you said that I've made it perfectly clear how I feel about you. How have I done that? I haven't spoke about my feelings with you.

NickMayorga: The mate's date, calling me a friend, mate. Well, that's quite clearly putting me in the friendzone. And then you left yesterday without even saying anything in response. That quite clearly lets me know where I stand.

Y/N Y/L/N: What did you expect me to call our dinner? It wasn't like either of us had exactly asked the other if it was a date, had we? And you are a friend and a mate, and, no matter what my feelings are, you always will be because I won't catch feelings for someone and them not become a friend. And I left yesterday without saying anything because I was in shock.

NickMayorga: You were in shock?

Y/N Y/L/N: Yes, I was in shock. The guy who I have been admiring from afar for seven years, thinking that I would never get a chance to be near him like I yearn to be and that he would never look twice at a girl like me, had just told me that he'd felt the same way about me for just as long. I wasn't expecting it and I didn't know how to react, so I clammed up and walked away. I am sorry if I have made you feel like I have put you into the Friendzone, but I thought that I was already in your Friendzone, so I done all that I could to push you into mine so I didn't end up getting hurt.

NickMayorga: What!? Are you being serious!?

Y/N Y/L/N: Of course I'm being serious. I started falling for you ever since I first laid eyes on you in Mrs Lynch's English class, and I was ridiculously happy that we shared quite a few of the same classes. The more time I spent around you, the more I fell. And I continued to fall for you, even after we left school and drifted apart, when I seen you in passing on the street or in the mall, or when I watched you in your videos. When we got back in touch, I only started to fall faster. That's why I put on a bit of a sassy bitchy attitude, so that I could hide it and protect myself. Do you remember the dress that I wore to the reunion?

NickMayorga: Yeah, the y/f/c dress. You looked stunning in it

Y/N Y/L/N: Thank you. Well, I actually wore it because y/f/c is my favourite colour. And do you know why?

NickMayorga: Why?

Y/N Y/L/N: Because you wore the same coloured shirt when I first met you. It might sound stupid, I know, but I love the colour because every time I see it I'm reminded of you. And the thought of you makes me so unbelievably happy. 

NickMayorga: It doesn't sound stupid at all. It's super sweet and cute, just like everything about you.

Y/N Y/L/N: Stop, you're gonna make me blush!!

NickMayorga: Awwee cute lil Y/N with her cheeks as red as a tomato *squeezes your cheeks*

Y/N Y/L/N: And my own words come back to haunt me 😂😂😂😂

NickMayorga: #Karma

Anyway, do you remember that mates date we had planned?

Y/N Y/L/N: Of course

NickMayorga: Well, what do you say about making that a date date?

Y/N Y/L/N: A what?

NickMayorga: You're so cute. You still don't get it even when I've told you outright

Y/N do you want to go on a date with me as my girlfriend?

Y/N Y/L/N: For reals?

NickMayorga: For reals

Y/N Y/L/N: Yes, of course I do!!!!!


Hi all,

This is the end of the story/book. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think about it in the comments. This is the second book in my Free Time Group Chat Imagine series so check out the first one which is about Nick's brother Anthony if you haven't already and check out the third book too which is out now. The third book is about the one and only Reaction Time himself, Tal Fishman!!!

Thanks for reading,

Vicky x

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