New School New Me

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After lots of catching up whilst walking down the road, we were in front of a big building. It was my new school and I was more than terrified. I took a deep breath before standing up straight and putting on my confident facade. No one would mess with me if I didn't take their shit. Confidence has always been key.

"So how come you have been kicked out of so many schools?" Gina asked curiously.

I was taken back as I hadn't expected nor was I prepared for that question. Why was I kicked out of so many schools? The reason was complicated. My father would tell you that it's because I have a bad attitude and anger issues. To be fair the anger issues part wouldn't exactly be wrong. I had been kicked out for fights with people that constantly harassed and bullied me. Many made remarks and jokes about my dead mother, others just didn't like the way I would dress. With my track record and history of course I would be blamed when I couldn't take their bull shit anymore and started a fight. In a few fights the other person threw the first punch but most of them were by my hand. It wasn't my fault that they would make fake threats to beat the shit out of me. Unlucky for them I was strong and knew how to fight. Hopefully they learned their lesson about messing with people that are different but I highly doubt that. Anyways it was fun to wipe that smug look from all of their faces.

"I get into a lot of fights. People like to make fun of me and my... mum. So when I can't take it anymore and do something about it, I always get the blame." I said as I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.

Gina looked horrified about the fact people would even mention my mother but then she also understood how cruel people could be. Trying to make light of the situation she began to speak.

"Once this girl Devin called me a slut so I made sure to get a few punches in. Eventually I was stopped but I definitely won that fight." She said with a proud look on her face.

I was very impressed but never thought Gina would be the one to get into a fight. I guess there was still a lot to learn about her.

"Damn I hate mean girls. Let me guess she is 'Miss Popular.'" I said in a mocking voice.

"You know it." She giggled.

We entered the school through the front doors. Gina looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile. Although she was tall for a girl her age I was still taller. I smiled back as we continued to walk down the halls.

"So have any friends?" I asked as I turned to face her.

She was gone. I started to look around me when I saw her being dragged away. I didn't see who had taken her but she shot me a brief apologetic look before she was completely out of sight. My throat closed slightly as I realised I didn't know what class I was in. My panic settled as I paced down the hall way. Suddenly I was pushed back when I collided with someone.

"I am so sorry!" I exclaimed whilst helping the girl up.

She had bright red hair that was pulled back carefully into a ponytail. Her clothes were pretty plain but I could tell she was beautiful. Then I had a quick thought. My eyes searched the room when I realised... Everyone's clothes were very plain. I was the only person at this school who dressed in anything other than a shirt and some trouser or a skirt. I shook off the worry trying to focus on the person I had just knocked over.

"Don't worry about it. Hey you are the new kid right, Gina's cousin?" She asked before giving me a shocked look.

"Yea I'm y/n." I said scratching the back off my neck.

"I'm Jessie... Sorry you just look really different." She said with a tilted head.

I gave her an awkward smile whilst she clearly regretted her choice of words. She shook her head vigorously.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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